Do I have something in my teeth?

Yesterday at Wal-Mart, an employee working the customer service desk informed me that I had marks on my face. I always thought I was the kind of person who wanted to be told when something was amiss, whether it be something on me face, teeth, clothes, a zipper down, whatever. But I think that there should be some rules to telling someone stuff like that. I didn’t really appreciate this man telling me because, first of all he was a total stranger. And second of all, it’s not like I was near the bathroom where I could just go in and see what was on my face. So the whole rest of the time I was out, I had a complex that I had junk all over my face. I still don’t even know what it was, but I don’t think it could have possibly been that bad-I did look in the mirror before I left the house.

I think if it’s a family member or a close friend, it’s appropriate to point out spinach in the teeth or a pen mark on the face. I think family and friends should look out for each other like that. I don’t think I would ever tell a total stranger though. Maybe it’s just me. Do you tell strangers? Or would you want a stranger to tell you if you had pepper in your teeth? Am I the weird one, or is the Wal Mart employee the weird one?

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