Bloggers Anonymous

I am starting to get really addicted to this blogging thing. Thanks a lot, Ryan. I hold you personally responsible for this new obsession.

I spent several hours this afternoon working on my new banner. I tried to get it done during nap time (in which there was absolutely no napping going on), but it wasn’t enough time. Three Elmo videos later and voila! A new banner. What do you think? I must admit I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve never done much in photoshop except crop and resize, so this was a big step up.

Every evening, instead of watching TV, scrapbooking, reading, etc, I get on my computer and I read blogs. I read my ever lengthening list of regulars and I look for new ones to read and obsess over. I am a regular blog stalker. I can’t even begin to list the number of blog crushes I have. Even that phrase came from a blog I stalk, Emily’s Blog. What’s the proper blog etiquette? Should I comment on theses stranger’s blogs and tell them how cool I think their blogging is? I want to come out of the blog readers closet! I think one of these days I will go comment crazy and everyone will know how many blogs I stalk. Watch out for that Megan chick. She’s a freak!

3 Replies to “Bloggers Anonymous”

  1. I know just what you mean. I love, love, love your blog. I am so jealous of all the great photos you post. But, you have given me lots of inspiration. Now if I can just get used to our new digital camera. I say go ahead and post your little heart out. Who doesn’t like to make new blogging budies?! Amy Godknecht

  2. Megan, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Good for you. By the way, I think you meant to write “voila!” unless you were practicing with an orchestra after watching Elmo.

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