We’re becoming a late morning family. Since it’s summertime and it stays light so long, Connor’s bedtime has gotten later and later. Instead of being in bed at 7:30, it’s now 8:30 and some nights he’ll talk to himself for an hour. The great thing about the later nights is the later mornings. He usually wakes up between 8:30 and 9:00 and I love it! When I was a kid, summertime always meant staying up later and sleeping in later. I’m glad that even though I’m an adult, the same rules apply.
Derek is loving the late mornings, too. He’s always gotten up at 8:30 or 9:00, but now he doesn’t have to feel guilty about it. I’m not sure he ever felt guilty about it, but in my opinion, he shoud have. Let me just say that it doesn’t make me very happy when we are all awake at 7:00 and Derek stays in bed until 8:30 (especailly if I have been up in the night). Now he gets to sleep in guilt free and wake up to a happy wife instead of a mad one. The summertime hours have been great for our marriage!
Our mornings are always the same. We are definately creatures of habit. Every morning, I sit at the table with my iced hazelnut latte, checking my email and my blogs. Connor wakes up and asks for fruit snacks and every morning I remind him that fruit snacks are for after his nap. He settles for a granola bar and joins me at the table. This morning he wanted to listen to “the monkey song”- a.k.a If I had a Million Dollars by the Barenaked Ladies. (One line is “Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?”) Eventually Derek makes his way out to us. He makes his bagel with cream cheese, his almond latte and plants himself on the couch to either watch one of his tivoed shows or check his email. Mornings are a nice time. Everyone is fresh from good sleep. It’s a brand new day, full of possibilities. I love mornings.
Too bad you married such a sloth 😉
You and Derek make good babies. Next I want to see Derek in Bumbo seat. Have a good day.
How in the world are you drinking lattes in the morning at your house? Do apartments in California come with fancy coffee makers or something?
You finally figured out why I always let my kids stay up later! Kids staying up until 9:00 p.m. or so is a great exchange for sleeping in as far as I was concerned.