It’s hot

Our new apartment does not stay cool like our old one did. We do have an air conditioner in the living room, but it doesn’t work all that well. All day long I sing in my head (and sometimes out loud) the “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes” song. But I don’t mean it like Nelly does!

So as soon as we got done with pictures I decided it was time for a summer haircut for Connor. Kristin and I got our haircut, Nick got his hair cut, so I figured C should follow suit. So, out came the clippers with a number 5 guard. I have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute. He had a buzz one other time after I completely, irrepebably botched a hair cut. He was 15 months old at the time and I didn’t like it at all. I liked his soft baby hair. Derek, on the other hand loved it and has wanted to keep it buzzed. But, since I’m the mommy I get to choose, so for the past year Connor has been getting professional haircuts.

I think that I will buzz Connor every summer from now on.

Just moments before the big clip-a-thon.
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This was not easy. Two year olds are not the most cooperative of people.
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What a handsome little dude!
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2 Replies to “It’s hot”

  1. I too sing the Hot in Here song. I also sing it the other way, with it’s getting cold in here put on all your clothes during the winter. It just fits life so well.

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