Dear Connor

As I sat tonight next to your bed holding your hand and rubbing your sweet little belly, I couldn’t help but think how little you are still. Most of the time, I treat you like your big. Our daily conversations always include something about being a big boy. You walk up the stairs by yourself, you buckle yourself in your carseat, you take off your own shoes and socks (which can be a little annoying since I never know where you put them!) I don’t have to cut up your food up anymore, you talk in complete sentences, you play outside by yourself. You wear size 4 clothes and you’re completely potty trained. But, you are just a little boy. Just two years old. I guess really almost three now. But still so little!

I’m glad I got to baby you a little bit tonight. I’m sad that you are sick, but I am thankful for the reminder that you are still my little boy. You still need your mommy. These days, you are all about your daddy. But tonight, feverish and obviously uncomfortable, you wanted daddy to tell you your firetruck stories, but you wanted mommy to hold your hand and rub your tummy until you fell asleep. Thanks for the reminder tonight that you are still little. My precious little boy. My first. I love you!

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7 Replies to “Dear Connor”

  1. So sweet…tender…and true to your heart. I think this is such a truth that so many of us moms can relate to. Thank you for putting this into words. I find myself holding onto those precious baby sweet moments with our last little one Olivia daily, with 2 of our children already grown and how fast the time has gone with each of them…I treasure and cherrish every day. xx Loves,

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