The best way to spread Christmas Cheer…

Is to sing loud for all to hear…

Or just to change up the old blog for Christmas! What do you think?

So I have a whole new level of respect for people who run in cold climates. My joints ached for every step of my 13.24 mile run. I know I said we were going 16…some people did. Some people even went 19. But 13 is all I had in me this morning. It was butt-duke cold. I took a really long, steaming hot shower when I got home, and I was still shivering. I bundled up in a fuzzy robe and got under my feather comforter for about 20 minutes. I would like everyone to start praying now that on January 14th the temperature falls between 50 and 60 degrees.

Two blogs in one day-I’m a blog superstar!

6 Replies to “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer…”

  1. I love your new Christmas blog – who needs a tree when they have festive blogs to look at!?!?! Congrats on your run in the artic this morning. Love ya!

  2. Cute new blog design 🙂

    I remember training for the White Rock while I was going to ACU. Remember how windy and cold it can get in Abilene? Brrrrrrrrrr!!! I feel for ya!

  3. You are a superstar!!! Blogging twice in one day, running 13 miles in the freezing cold, AND a new blog. Wow, meg!!!

    I’ve been wanting to change my blog up for a while, I think you’ve inspired me to really do it now!!!

    Have a great Week!

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