Muffins and my nose

Last night I had a very unfortunate accident involving a delicious chocolate chip muffin. I enjoyed every last crumb, and when it was gone, my nose and throat just felt funny. So I coughed and gagged and hacked and finally blew my nose into the sink. I little morsel of muffin flew out, which was really surprising and disgusting. I continued with my picture project, but my nose was just still bugging me, so I grab a kleenex and blow with gusto. Several chunks of muffin flew out my nose. Derek will verify this fact-not only did I look at my prize in the kleenex, but I also made him look. Come on, I know you look at your boogers, too. Am I misspelling boogers? My fancy Mac spell checks everything I type and it is underling that word. Weird.

Anyway, muffin came out my nose. This isn’t my first encounter with food and my nose. When I was really little, I stuck a raisin up there. Then, in high school, either a large sneeze or hysterical laugher caused a macaroni noodle to go up and out my nose, instead of down. But last night, there was neither laugher nor sneezing. This morning as I ate another muffin, I lived in fear with each and every bite. I hope it’s another 10 years before food comes out my nose. Or maybe what I should really hope for is food never comes out my nose again.


Connor is really into knock-knock jokes today. His favorite goes like this:
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Banana rocket ship underpants!

The first time I actually chuckled because it was just so ridiculous and pretty cute. But 15 times later, I am not laughing so much. Anyone know any knock-knock jokes I can teach him?

5 Replies to “Muffins and my nose”

  1. Another banana one:
    knock, knock
    who’s there?
    banana who?
    knock, knock
    who’s there?
    banana who?
    knock, knock
    who’s there?
    orange who?
    orange you glad I didn’t say banana?


  2. LOL…oh my gosh Girl! muffins out your nose! remind me never to eat muffins with you! LOL!

    i’m diggin connor’s knock knock joke…tha sound very similar to my Carson’s [insert eye roll]…boys!

  3. That’s halarious!!! I finally got your blog address 🙂 I am glad to hear all is great with you! Miss you and hope to talk soon!

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