This made me laugh out loud

Really. It did.

My favorite part (besides they medley at the end) is when he talks about how hard it is to be a kid who plays the cello. Because I was that kid. Some of my most haunting Junior High memories involve me walking home from school with my cello. I was sure that everyone who drove by (espeically Justin McCants, the cute, older boy I had a crush on) was pointing and laughing at the gangly girl with the bright flowered backpack walking home with her cello. Why mom, why? Why did you make me walk home with that thing?!

Just for the record, despite the fact that some of my cello memories haunt me, I love the instrument and would love to pick it up and play again. And, unlike this guy, I do love Pachabel’s Canon, even though it does have the most boring cello part ever.

My Train Adventure

While in Cali, I had to independently get from Anaheim (where the conference was held) to Pasadena. For those of you unfamiliar with So Cal (ok, I admit it. I had to look at a map to see where Pasadena was in relationship to Anaheim…) here is a map I couldn’t figure out how to get it in the post as a pic and my genius hubby is gone for the evening.

Anyway, I had to get from point A to point B. This is big for me. I have basically had my own taxi service since I was 15 years old. Thanks, Derek (and mom and all my friends who had cars before me!) Plus I am a suburban girl, born and raised. Mass transportation is just so foreign and scary to me. I researched my options: taking an airport shuttle (approximately $75), renting a car (roughly $80 since it would be picked up and returned different places), taking a cab (about $100..yikes!), taking the bus (um, no. not with my luggage and all the switching.), asking my friends (hello…rush hour anyone? I still want them to be my friends!) And I finally came across the perfect solution. The Metrolink Train! I could catch it in Anaheim about 2 miles from the convention center, make a quick change at Union Station downtown, and end up about 2 miles from my friend Beth’s house. Even better, it only cost $8.25, and plus it would be an adventure. So I had my plan.

Carrie, Corrinne, and the rest of my new CHA friends dropped me off at the station. I admit I was nervous. Armpits were totally sweating. What if I ended up in the wrong place? What if I missed my train? What if I got mugged? I thought about my new sister-in-law, Noel, and how in uncomfortable situations, she just plays the part. Gets into the character. So that’s what I did. I was no longer Megan, the mass transportation virgin. I was Megan, the sophisticated city girl who does this all the time.


ok, maybe I wasn’t playing the role yet. I still look a little nervous here.

I walked in, bought my ticket, crossed under the tracks to the other side, spent about 10 minutes making sure I was on the right side for Los Angeles (LA is opposite of Oceanside, right Meg?) I called Derek. According to the schedule I had written down, I was waiting for train 609, arriving at 4:48. I had about 15 minutes to wait. Suddenly, I hear a train. I look up quickly and see a train (not 609) and I check the clock. 4:36. Surely this isn’t it. But maybe it is??? I see the sign on the side that says Union Station. Hmmm…that is where I want to go. Should I get on? Wait? Ask someone? I must think quickly! I hang up the phone, gather my stuff (oh, did I mention that I had parked myself too far down the track? I was so far from the elusive train…) I ask a few people sitting around me. They don’t know if that’s the one I want. They are all waiting for an Amtrack train. What? There are two different kinds of trains??? This is my worst nightmare!

At that moment, the train leaves.

I am a little panicky as I call Derek back. He pulls up the schedule online. Turns out I had written down info for the wrong stop. That was my train. Sigh. And now it is starting to rain. The next train is at 5:30.

An Amtrack employee walks by, and I ask her what the deal is. She explains that Amtrack (big trains that go across the nation) and Metrolink (commuter trains in Southern California) both use that track. The next train that is coming through is an Amtrack. If I play dumb, the conductor might let me ride to Union Station. I decided just to wait for the next Metrolink. The last thing I wanted to do was get to Union Station and not be able to find the commuter trains.

At least I had a nice, Cali view during my wait.


For awhile, I was the only person at the train stop. Slowly, people started to show up, and I was not afraid to ask them if they were waiting for the Metrolink. They advised me to make sure I got on the next one-it’s the last one of the day from there. The pressure was really on! But I had learned my lesson. Once I got on the train, it was great. The train switch was so easy. The ride was quick and smooth. It about an hour and 15 minutes…not too shabby at all, considering it was rush hour and driving would be at least that long. I was so inspired that I thought if (when) we go back for a vacation with the boys, I want to take them on the train. C would love it!

So there you have it. I am now an independent, mass transportation savvy woman.

2 Weeks

I don’t know if I’ve ever gone two weeks without blogging-I don’t even know where to start. I guess I could give the run down, but that is a little boring. The condensed version is we were out of town for Pawpaw’s (D’s grandfather) 80th birthday, then the boys and I stayed the week at my parents house for the week because my baby brother got married the following weekend! Then, after the wedding I boarded a plane and headed for Cali. I got to meet some of the friends I have made online (I know….weird, huh. Showing up in another state and hoping the person who picks you up is the person you have gotten to know…) Luckily Carrie wasn’t a creepy old man or anything. While in California, I got to meet lots of fun people, and I even had lunch with another online friend, Amanda. It really felt like we had known each other forever. The whole online scrapbooking thing is really cool…I never would have known any of these people if not for scrapbooking! Anywho, after 2 days hanging with those friends at CHA (Craft and Hobby Association…a big show of new scrappy stuff coming out…). I took a train ride to Pasadena to spend some time with my old friends from Cali. So fun. It takes a long time to make friends like Beth and Beth. I flew back to Dallas yesterday, picked up the kiddos (thanks Mamaw and Nonny for taking such good care of the boys!), and flew back to Houston. I have lot of stories to tell-the train ride, the “cool pilot” we met, etc. And I have lots of pics. They will come in good time, but right now I have to unpack and play with the boys-my 4 days away was much needed, but it is so good to be back with them again! More coming soon…