Connor’s thoughts

Yesterday, Logan was busy playing with the NASA rescue truck, and Connor decided that he really wanted to play with it. I was so proud as I heard him ask so sweetly, “Logan, when your done with that truck, can I have a turn?” instead of just yanking it out of his hand or crying that he was “about” to play with it. Logan responded “otay”, to which Connor replied, “Okay, I will just count to one one time and then it will be my turn.”
We put Logan to bed in Connor’s room last night. Derek’s sister is coming to visit this weekend, and since Logan’s room is also the guest room, he and Connor get to share. I was so happy when I got up this morning and realized that Logan hadn’t come into our room at all! For the past month or so, he has been making frequent visits to us in bed. I always just carry him back, lay down with him for a few minutes, and he is fine. It’s not a huge deal, but it still means our sleep is interrupted every night. I think maybe he just gets lonely at night, but sleeping in big brother’s room is a good fix for that. So I was asking Connor how he slept and if he liked Logan being in there. I explained that I think Logan likes sleeping in there because he gets lonely at night. Connor immediately said, “but, mom, he doesn’t need to get lonely at night. Because Jesus is always with him.” Pure heartmelt for sure.


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