Chirstmas ’07

Part 1…

We spent Christmas morning at home, just the 4 of us. It was really great. There is just something magical about kids on Christmas morning. They woke up at about 7:45 (I couldn’t believe they slept in on Christmas morning!) Connor was slightly disappointed that Santa didn’t leave him a space shuttle, but within 5 minutes he was completely wrapped up in the toys Santa did leave. He and Logan love the rescue heroes! Connor was playing just like a little boy…talking for them, making different scenarios, bad guys, good guys, the whole nine yards. He played with the toys for hours until it was time for….

Part 2…
We drove up to Arlington for my family Christmas. It was slightly crazy (7 kids…9 adults…3 dogs and a cat), but it was a blast!

Part 3…
Continues tonight with Christmas with Derek’s family. You gotta love all the Christmas celebrations once you have a big extended family!

And finally, pictures. These are all from our house Christmas morning.


And these tell a story.

We were done opening stockings and I suggested we start opening the other presents under the tree. Connor, with great excitement, runs up to Derek and says, “Daddy, does this mean you get to open your chair now?!”

Derek and I simultaneously say, “oh, don’t say what it is!”
Connor’s face slowly crumbles.
He slinks away.
And does this.


So Derek does his best daddy comfort moves.

And with praise for keeping the secret for a whole week, plus convincing him that Derek needed help since it was such a large present, Christmas cheer was restored once again.

Merry Christmas!

3 Replies to “Chirstmas ’07”

  1. Megan! I’ve never been to a site as special as yours. I’m a friend of your mom’s, and she was right, “we have a lot in common.” I am glad to hear you had a blessed christmas!

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