Today, Logan is three! Hard to believe my baby is three already. He is so much fun…but I must confess (because I like to keep it real on the ol’ blog…) I am a little nervous about what the three’s have in store for us. Three was our toughest year with Connor. Terrible two’s are just not the case in our family!
But I’m not going to blog about my insecurities as a mom or my pregnancy-induced lack of patience. Logan is three today, and I love this kid so much. He is such a fun, energetic lovable part of our family. His favorite things include (in no particular order):
*chocolate milk
*chicken nuggets
*making silly faces
*holding up his 5 fingers and asking for “dis many” of anything.
*his bff Noah
*his big brother
*going to school
*watching the blast off of Apollo 13
*The Backyardigans
*dressing himself. Don’t even think about helping him
*Going potty repeatedly to get a jellybean
*drinking from a big boy cup
*running, jumping, and climbing on anything and everything
We started off his birthday with a trip to the donut store where he chose a donut with blue icing and sprinkles. Next was presents, which is always fun. Then we went on an Easter egg hunt and played at the park. He took a 3.5 hour nap, and we spent the late afternoon/evening in the front yard where I painted cabinets, Derek washed the cars, and Connor and Logan ran around like superheros, dyed Easter eggs, and made a “tent” in the back of the CRV where they ate their dinner. I think Logan really enjoyed all of his birthday fun!
No post is complete without a few pictures…
Throwing a few gang signs while trying to get those three tricky fingers in place.
These rocket blasters were a huge hit. I love this picture of them!
Easter egg hunting and dying pics will have to wait. I wanted to get this posted on his actual birthday, and it’s my bedtime.
Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!
Happy 3rd Birthday Logan! We’re glad you had a special day!
~Ryan, Chelsea & Kate
Happy Birthday, Logan!!
Happy Birthday Logan!!! I hope you had a day filled with all of those things that make you happy!!
Uncle Matt, Aunt Cindi, Madison, Abby and Max
Happy Birthday Logan! It sounds like you had a great day!!
what a handsome, fun 3-year-old you have! here’s to a GREAT year!
Happy Birthday Logan! It sounds like he had the perfect day 🙂
Happy Bday!!! Keep flashing your gang signs!! lol