Like mother, like son

It was wacky day for Connor at school on Wednesday. When I showed Derek this picture, he cracked up.

I mean, it’s a pretty funny picture, but Derek was really cracking up.  Well, Derek style cracking up, which is really just a smile and a small chuckle.  “Meg,” he said, “Connor is just like you!”  I wasn’t sure exactly what Derek meant by that, but then he started listing some of the wacky things I’ve worn/done over the years, specifically the time I dressed up in a large sombrero, colorful and authentic Mexican clothing, an ace bandage, and a topped it all off with a sassy ballet pose.  But, despite all of my searching, I cannot find the picture anywhere.

This classic one will have to do.

Yup. Connor comes by his wacky side honestly!

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