I met with six wonderful families yesterday for mini sessions. When I arrived at our location, which is usually practically empty on a Saturday morning, I saw literally hundreds of people and cars. It was crazy, and I’ll admit I was totally freaking out at first! It turns out that there was a huge Boy Scout event happening all weekend long. Luckily, we were able to find a couple of good spots and the sessions went on as planned.
Up first were these three adorable girls. I took pictures of the littlest one a few months ago, and I was excited to take pictures of the whole family this time. The girls are just so sweet and looked adorable in their little dresses!
Up next were some kiddos that I’ve known for several years now and are some of our very good friends. In fact, they were some of the first people I ever took photos of last year, and they helped me realize just how much I love being a photographer. We always have a lot of fun together, and I love that I can make them laugh and get those giggly smiles.
Next was this little cutie (and his family). I seriously wanted to take him home with me! His facial expressions are just too cute.
My last morning session were some new faces, and like always, I loved meeting them. They are so genuine and kind, and you can just see that Mr. Z is the light of their life. He is precious!
The afternoon sessions started off with this beautiful family. They were more new clients, and I loved meeting them. They were so patient with me when my camera had a little glitch, and even more patient when Mr. N decided that taking pictures wasn’t really what he wanted to do. This was one of the first shots I got of the whole group. I love, love, love how Mr. N is holding his mama’s hand. And their hair? Have you ever seen such good hair?! I was having total hair envy!
I caught this photo post camera glitch and post minor meltdown. He is such a handsome little guy. Check out those gorgeous brown eyes. I only have one tidbit of advice…lock up your daughters! He is going to be a heartbreaker for sure!
The last family of the day was a new friend from my bible study group. They are such a sweet and beautiful family (I think I say that about everyone, and I really mean it!) Miss A is a total ham, super busy, and FULL of personality. We had a blast together. Taking pictures of them felt just like hanging out with old friends. I love when that happens, and the results are always gorgeous.
Thank you all so much for coming out yesterday and braving the throngs of Boy Scouts! I can’t wait to finish up your galleries and show you the rest. I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday!
you rock, my dear! they look great…i can’t wait to see the rest! have a great thanksgiving yourself!