The verdict is in…

There is a 75% chance that 75% of you are RIGHT!
It looks like it’s going to be a girl!!

She was being quite modest during most of the ultrasound, but Kathy and I both saw the three lines of girl parts. And we definitely did not see any boy parts! Unfortunately, we didn’t print any pictures. Every time we would see the money shot, she would move away before Kathy could freeze the frame.

I can’t wait for my big ultrasound at my doctor’s office to confirm!

It was so cute when I told Connor that it looks like he is going to have a baby sister. He looked up at me, slightly bored by the news. ” I already know that mom. ” Guess I should have just asked him!

I am really still in disbelief that we might actually have a girl!!

17 Replies to “The verdict is in…”

  1. hooray, hooray, hooray!!!!
    and out of all your blog readers i’m obviously the most eager ever about this because i just realized i was the first to comment on this post and the voting post:)

  2. when i came to your blog my stomach literally flipped as i was about to read the news. i wanted it to be a girl so bad…and it is!! yay! you are going to be so great with a girl (you are with boys, but you know what i mean). congrats…and i hope she stays a girl until your next sono…and then obviously until you have her. ha!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I am SO excited for you guys!!!!!! Seriously…I can’t contain my happiness! And I can’t wait for a picture from the doctor’s office 🙂

  4. YEAH!!!! I hope she stays as cute as a little hamburger! Joey’s dream has me worried…but I’m sure the ring test will prove to be true!~

  5. Congratulations!!! I had a feeling. It’s like a sweet little girl to be modest and not everyone peeking at her girl parts! Way to go Baby Girl Thurman. Starting off right!!!


  6. I started to post a comment yesterday and then I got distracted, I think. I am so excited RM! SOOOOOO Excited. Oh, that girl is going to be spoiled rotten. And bothered tremendously! 🙂 Cant wait for the official verdict.

  7. post…Post…POST!…POST!!

    SOOO glad you guys are adding a girl to the Thurman clan. You guys need a little more estrogen in the mix.


  8. Wow! Congrats Megan….you’re not outnumbered anymore!! Yeah, I know its still 3 to 2, but 2 girls equal about 4 boys, so you win! 🙂

    Can’t wait to see the money shot from the doctor!

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