Just for Patrick

Right now we are at Diedrich’s. Blogging at Diedrich, drinking my blended Mayan Mocha, and dreaming of our house. Does it get any better?

I will add a picture of this moment later. Too bad Derek didn’t bring the USB cord with us today.

We are off for more house hunting. I’ll give a full update when there is more to actually update. I have found 2 neighborhoods that I absolutely love. We’ve put in a call to the realtor. Hopefully this afternoon we will get a chance to look inside a few homes!

He’s really listening

Derek and I boarded a plane today to Houston for our big house hunting trip. We left Connor behind with all the grandparents, but he came along for the ride to the airport and the drop off. We said our good-byes, gave our hugs and kisses, and reminded Connor one last time about how he is to behave while we are gone. He climbed back into his carseat and as I was ducking out of the car, I heard his little voice shout out, “Daddy, be a good boy on the airplane!” Good to know that he actually listens to me!

And Connor will be happy to know that Derek behaved like a champ on the plane ride.
