Last night, Derek said to me, “Meg, are you not getting any comments or what?” And I realized that not only have I been on blog hiatus for the past week, but I also forgot to go and approve all the comments y’all left. So sorry about that! I love and appreciate each and every comment.
So sorry about the lack of blooging, too. (that type makes me laugh so I am leaving it). There’s really no excuse…Derek was out of town again last week, and all I can say is that my brain turns to mush when he’s gone and by the end of every day, I can only muster the strength to read blogs and watch tv.
I’ve been really into lists lately. If I don’t make lists, then I find that I spend my 10 hours of free time doing absolutely nothing except catching up on blogs, watching TLC, and maybe scrapping a bit. So I makes lists of things to do. Then I don’t feel like the laziest wife/mom in America. Even if I spend 80% of my time doing nothing, if a load of laundry gets washed or a room gets vacuumed, I feel good.
So, in honor of my love of lists, here is a list of 20 things about Logan.
1. He loves fruit. He would happily eat fruit only if I let him. He can easily polish off at least a half a carton of strawberries or a half a cantaloupe.
2. He is coordinated and athletic, and I’m not just saying that because I am his mom. He constantly amazes me (and others) with his coordination and skill related to all things athletic.
3. He pronounces bulldozer “bull-da bull-da”.
4. He is funny. The other day, he came out dressed for church and wearing his frog rain boots. He cracked up, we cracked up, and changed into church shoes. Derek and I decided that he really did it just to be funny.
5. He wants to do everything that Connor does. He adores his big brother!
6. He is a little instigator. He picks on Connor as much as Connor picks on him.
7. He is a go-getter. If he sees something that he wants, he goes for it.
8. He loves to be outside.
9. He is a people person. I think the 2.5 hours a week that Connor is at school without him are the worst hours for Logan.
10. The boy loves apple juice.
11. He doesn’t really like chicken unless it is in nugget form.
12. He loves to ride his bike.
13. Every naptime and bedtime, he says “one more minute” at least 5 times. He never wants us to be done tucking him in.
14. He can count backwards from 10 better than he can count forwards from 1.
15. The only song he can sing, start to finish, is Happy Birthday to You.
16. He is constantly bruised and has skinned knees.
17. Everywhere he goes, he runs, just like Forrest Gump.
18. He says “No, I do it” constantly. He is so independent.
19. He has “snaggle teeth” just like Derek and I did as kids, but somehow it looks way cuter on him than it did on either one of us.
20. He adds so much spice to our family. His personality, zest for life, sense of humor, and spunkiness are so endearing. I cannot imagine our family without our crazy, sweet, fun, Logan bug!