If you live in Houston, you know that this was the weekend that winter decided to show her face. Us Houstonians do not do cold weather well. When the temperature drops to about 50, phrases like “arctic cold” get thrown around. I was listening to the radio a few weeks ago before a different cold front arrived and the dj was going on and on about pulling out those sweaters and boots to prepare for the weather. The high was going to be in the 60s! In other parts of the country, that’s straight up shorts weather!
So when this weekend’s forecast called for lots of rain and temperatures in the 40s-50s, it wasn’t looking good for a session. In fact, on Saturday we emailed back and forth trying to figure out when we could reschedule. I was going to be so disappointed! I had done a session with this family over a year ago down in Galveston, and I was really looking forward to seeing them all again plus meeting their newest addition. But, not a drop of rain fell until Sunday night, and a little chill in the air wasn’t going to stop them! The girls were such troopers, and you would never guess that they were cold.
I think there is something so special about families that have all the same gender. These girls are so lucky to have each other! It was so sweet to watch them together.
Such beautiful girls, all four of them!
It’s no secret that I love to take unposed, fun, playful family pictures along with the more traditional ones. With the chill in the air yesterday, I definitely wanted to get the girls running! I think this picture really sums up life with four kids…a lot crazy, and a lot fun; so much laughter and joy!
And one last one to share. Sweet baby E…she was so much fun! Thanks, M family, for driving out for our session, braving the cold, and having fun all the while! I’m so thankful that the weather held out for us!