Sweet Sisters {Friendswood TX Family Photographer}

If you live in Houston, you know that this was the weekend that winter decided to show her face.  Us Houstonians do not do cold weather well.  When the temperature drops to about 50, phrases like “arctic cold” get thrown around.  I was listening to the radio a few weeks ago before a different cold front arrived and the dj was going on and on about pulling out those sweaters and boots to prepare for the weather.  The high was going to be in the 60s!  In other parts of the country, that’s straight up shorts weather!

So when this weekend’s forecast called for lots of rain and temperatures in the 40s-50s, it wasn’t looking good for a session.  In fact, on Saturday we emailed back and forth trying to figure out when we could reschedule. I was going to be so disappointed!  I had done a session with this family over a year ago down in Galveston, and I was really looking forward to seeing them all again plus meeting their newest addition.  But, not a drop of rain fell until Sunday night, and a little chill in the air wasn’t going to stop them!  The girls were such troopers, and you would never guess that they were cold.


I think there is something so special about families that have all the same gender.  These girls are so lucky to have each other!  It was so sweet to watch them together.


Such beautiful girls, all four of them!


It’s no secret that I love to take unposed, fun, playful family pictures along with the more traditional ones.  With the chill in the air yesterday, I definitely wanted to get the girls running!  I think this picture really sums up life with four kids…a lot crazy, and a lot fun; so much laughter and joy!


And one last one to share.  Sweet baby E…she was so much fun!  mcwilliams-6-webThanks, M family, for driving out for our session, braving the cold, and having fun all the while!  I’m so thankful that the weather held out for us!

Family {Friendswood TX Family Photographer}

It’s seems crazy, but sometimes I almost forget that my older brother lives just 20 minutes down the road.  It’s not that we aren’t close, because we are.  He is one of my heroes.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve looked up to him as one of the kindest, most loving, funniest, Christ-like people I’ve ever known.  I’m so lucky to have a big brother like him.  But you know how life can be when you’re in the thick of raising kids.  We’ve got separate lives, jobs, school, church, sports, and on and on it goes.  We don’t get to see each other nearly as much as I wish we did.  But even so, he is always there when I need him. I try to make sure I get family photos of them about once a year.  I’m pretty sure we missed last year, but other than that, for the past 3 or 4 years we’ve had a yearly photo session.  I love getting a chance to hang out with him and the rest of the crew.  I love my niece and nephews and my sis-in-law so much! vincent-4-web

I love that they included their dogs.  Such a great family!


The baby of the family….he couldn’t be any cuter if he tried! He is the most photogenic two year old ever!  Every time he saw my camera, he smiled and laughed.  So cute!


The biggest.  J has grown up so much in the past year!  He will be 11 soon.  He is so smart, and really funny, too.  He reminds me so much of my brother.  vincent-8-web

Miss K, the only girl.  She’s beautiful, and smart, and funny, too.  Just like her mama.  vincent-7-web

Love these guys!  Such great kids, all three of them.



new kids on the block {Friendswood TX Family Photographer}

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it on this blog or not, but we moved to a new house about 5 months ago.  We love our new home!  One of the best parts is our neighbors.  It’s a close knit street with lots and lots of kids.  It’s pretty idyllic, really.  In fact, when we came to look at our house, one of the things we loved right away were the sheer number of kids outside playing.  At our old house, Camryn had neighbor friends (and we miss them so much!), but here there are kids of all ages.  It’s so fun!  I was thrilled to have to opportunity to take pictures of our new friends and neighbors.  And they were nice enough to be location guinea pigs!


Aren’t they so sweet?  I love this picture.



I love photographing brothers.  They bring the rough and tumble sweetness and I love it.  Can’t you just see how much these two love each other?  They are so lucky to have each other.   dixon-4-blog

This brother hug ended in a brother tackle, which is what happens 9 times out of 10.  But they come up laughing and smiling every time.

dixon-13-blogI’m so glad I’ll get to watch these two grow up over the years.


Giddy {League City TX Children’s Photographer}

From the very start of this session, I knew it was going to be amazing.  These two were just the sweetest, snuggliest brother and sister ever!  They are just one year apart in age, and while I’m sure they have their moments of typical sibling rivalry, I have a hard time imagining them being anything other than 100% sweet and loving to each other.


When asked to give each other hugs and kisses, they dove right in.  I about died of the cuteness when this happened.


And when I told P to run and give her big brother J a hug, she did just that.  Look at the joy on his face!  So sweet.


These two were quite simply just so much fun.  I am convinced there is something really special about kids who are born just one year apart.  They don’t know what life is like without the other, and I think that bond is something even greater than the regular brother/sister bond.  They will go through life side by side.  What a gift!


Of course, I had to get individual pictures, too.  Miss P.  The hat…the sweet little grin…the little curls…it’s too much!  vaughan-2-blog

And handsome Mr. J.  If there is one thing I love in this world, it’s three year old boys.  He’s such a little man-child, and I love it.    vaughan-12-blog

I’m really borderline obsessed with these two and the photos we captured.  My husband can vouch for me that I came home from our session positively giddy.  If it wouldn’t be completely weird, I might just print their photos and hang them up on my own walls .  (I promise I’m not that crazy!  Don’t be frightened!)  I think you get my point. 🙂  It was a magical session with two magical little friends.  I couldn’t love my job more.

This is Reality {Friendswood TX Family Photographer}

This family contacted me for a session with really one goal in mind: a good family photo.  With three kids, ages 4, 2, and 4 months, getting a good picture can definitely be a challenge!  There are definitely lots and lots of moments like this, which I actually love because this is real life right here.


You’ve got big brother, doing his very best to hold up baby brother but his real feelings about this whole hold the baby business are written all over his face.  By this point, the candy had come out (a little incentive never hurt!), and sister is happy as a lark about those sweet little tidbits!  Meanwhile baby brother is just as sweet as can be.  Third born kids are something special, I tell you.

But there are also moments like this.  I love Miss O’s little personality shining through here!  And big brother’s sweet little smile, and baby R’s little tongue sticking out.


And we got his one, too.  I wish you could have seen us trying to convince O to sit there in the middle.  Sometimes directing a two year old is just like herding cats!  But then once she decided to sit, look at what we captured!  Such a sweet, beautiful family.


I couldn’t help but take a few pictures of the kids by themselves, minus sweet baby R who had an unfortunate encounter with some ants.  Thankfully they didn’t bite him at all but left him without his sweet little Christmas outfit.  I’m really diligent about checking for ants, but somehow they found us!  I’m so, so thankful he didn’t get bitten by any of them.  I have a feeling putting babies in an ants would be bad for business!

Anyway, sweet little O.  She took a bit to warm up to me, but we played a few games and then we were old friends.

And the biggest of the bunch.  Four year old boys are the perfect mix of energy, sweetness, and fun, and G was no exception.  He is such a great kid. beyer-2-blog

Thank you guys so much for hanging in there through all the ups and downs of our session! I loved meeting you all, B family.

Joy {Clear Lake TX Family Photographer}

I look forward to my session with this family so much every year.  Way back in 2010, Sarah contacted me to come take photos of her then 4 month old daughter.  I think that was one of my very first sessions with someone who wasn’t a friend or at least a friend of a friend.  It was one of my first “google” sessions.  I can remember being so nervous about our session!  But Sarah was so easy to work with, and the little Lucy was an absolute doll.  I love that I get to see them every year now, and that I’ve gotten to see Lucy grow up from a little fuzzy headed 4 month old to a full-fledged preschooler!


Want to take a walk down memory lane?  Check this out! Lucy at 4 months, 2010 family session, Lucy at 9 months, 2011 family session (also known as the Year of the Mosquitoes), and 2012 family session.  I can hardly handle how much all the girls have grown up!  But they are still the same beautiful family, that’s for sure.

lowe-1-blogLindsey is now a 4th grader, and is turning into such a little lady.  She looks so grown up!  And she has the most amazing blue eyes.  All the girls do, really. They are gorgeous!


I always have a soft spot in my heart for the middles, probably since I’m a middle, too.  I love that the first thing Lauren said to me this year was “Wanna hear something funny?  I’m 6, and I’ve lost 6 teeth!”  I love her.  She’s so much fun, and has also grown up so much since last year!  lowe-2-blog

I love this picture of Sarah surrounded by all her girls.  So beautiful, all 4 of them!lowe-5-blog

Every year, Sarah brings the cutest Christmas outfits for the girls.  Girls really are so fun to dress.lowe-6-blog

And the girls clearly DO love Santa.  This was the response when I asked who loved Santa.  I think I’ll take that as a resounding yes!lowe-7-blog

Reading back over this post, any editor would probably say that I used the word “love” too much, but I don’t even care.  It’s been such a privilege and a joy to meet up with them year after year!  I love it!