I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it on this blog or not, but we moved to a new house about 5 months ago. We love our new home! One of the best parts is our neighbors. It’s a close knit street with lots and lots of kids. It’s pretty idyllic, really. In fact, when we came to look at our house, one of the things we loved right away were the sheer number of kids outside playing. At our old house, Camryn had neighbor friends (and we miss them so much!), but here there are kids of all ages. It’s so fun! I was thrilled to have to opportunity to take pictures of our new friends and neighbors. And they were nice enough to be location guinea pigs!
Aren’t they so sweet? I love this picture.
I love photographing brothers. They bring the rough and tumble sweetness and I love it. Can’t you just see how much these two love each other? They are so lucky to have each other.
This brother hug ended in a brother tackle, which is what happens 9 times out of 10. But they come up laughing and smiling every time.
I’m so glad I’ll get to watch these two grow up over the years.
These precious pictures are of my beautiful granddaughter and her family. I love, love, love them. They are great!!!