Survivor Fanatic

I have been a huge fan of Survivor since the very first season. The first and second season were definately the best. The first season just because it was so new and different and the second season was great becuase of Colby the eye candy and Elisabeth the nicest survivor ever (and Derek’s survivor girlfriend). Africa was okay because I loved Ethan. But after that they all just blend together and I can’t remember specifics. But even when I don’t like any of the people, I still watch. I just can’t stop.

The Outdoor Living Network is replaying season 1 of Survivor and it has really reminded me why I love this show so much. It is so refreshing to see the original. While the basic premise of the game hasn’t changed, so much is different. I love season one because it’s just about competition, who likes to be around who, and who works hard. There is very little talk of alliances and very little scheming. In fact, tonight after the immunity challenge there was absolutely no tv time given to how the vote was going to go. The tribes have just merged and tonight 7 of the 10 players had a vote cast against them. That never happens now because from the moment the game starts it’s all about forming alliances.

A few of my favorite orignal surviors include Greg, who is maybe the funniest survivor ever, and Colleen, the original Survivor sweetheart. Then of course there’s Rich and his gang-the founders of the almighty alliance.

Watching Survivor 1 tonight I remembered what is perhaps the pinnacle of my dorkiness. I auditioned for Survivor 3-it was the first season that I was old enough to audition. But, alas, I was not choosen. I guess I’m not controversial enough. Or not naked enough. Or just not hot enough. The game has changed so much that I really have no desire to be on it anymore. The scheming just isn’t for me. I loved when it was just about good physical competition, meeting some cool people, and just the world’s coolest camping trip with a million dollar pay off.

I love to laugh at myself, so in the spirit of some good ol’ laughter I busted out my audition tape. Then I thought “I have to blog about this.” So, for your viewing pleasure, here is my three minute Survivor audition tape

Two final thoughts…I still can’t believe they didn’t pick me. And if you didn’t think I was a dork before you most certainly will now!

5 Replies to “Survivor Fanatic”

  1. OH




    You are too funny, Meg. I don’t watch Survivor, and would never subject myself to the torture that is life w/o electricty….but I have to admit, I totally agree w/ you. I can’t believe they didn’t pick you!!!!! Your “physcial training” was my fave part.

  2. I still can’t believe they didn’t pick my favorite youngest daughter. By the way, can you still do pushups like that? Love, Mom

  3. OH MY. That is CLASSIC!
    I love it.
    and it just makes me like you even more.
    right now, I am entrenched in the controversy that is BIG BROTHER. 🙂

  4. Oh Megan, we are so destined to be friends. I’m THE hugest Survivor fan. I was going to write about Survivor on OLN on my blog today! I found out that they were playing the first season yesterday, so I definitely tuned in. I feel the same way, a lot of the seasons blend together, but my heart is still in the first season. I was so amazed that even though I forgot all the little things that happened in that season, my heart felt the same way about every instance in the show. When stupid Sean went with the alphabetical order, I started shouting alone in my living room. I had forgotten all about it, I knew what was coming. NOT GREG!!! He’s entertainment!

    Now I have never auditioned for Survivor. I would be terrible at the game, but I would just love to be on it, also I’ve always been in school, so I’m not in any position to take off from school. So I begged my brother-in-law to audition for this coming season. He has a good chance. He’s VERY different, he only wears black, and he’s in a heavy metal band. So I’m crossing my fingers. I’m glad to know that there are fellow True Survivor Fans. Oh, I don’t know if you’ve seen it in my earlier days of blogging, but I met Rupert, I was such a star-gazing fool. And, your video is hilarious, I loved the strategy training.

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