Nothing Better

There’s nothing better than catching up with old friends. I am so blessed to have such awesome friends, the kind of friends that you can go months or even years without speaking, but then just pick up right where you left off. It was fabulous to see Staci’s belly in person, and see a huge outpouring of love for Staci and Mike and their new baby on the way. It was fabulous drinking margaritas and having a good old fashioned girls night. Staci, Sarah, Shauna, Suzanne, and Juli Beth-you guys are such a blessing in my life!


In other news…my new camera is here! I am totally loving it. Here are a few of my favorite pics that I’ve taken so far.

May 078_1.jpg

May 125_1.jpg

May 056_1.jpg

6 Replies to “Nothing Better”

  1. DB, a thing about focal fields. You see how on the truck, only the back part of the truck is in focus? Well, with a small f/stop f/2 or f/4 or whatever, there is a limited focal field (ie only a little bit of the field is in focus). However, you increase the focal field, the bigger your f/stop gets f/22 or whatever. So, with you extreme close ups, you can different focal fields depending upon your f/stops- so you might play around with the apeture preference fuction. If I were taking a picture of mom getting something under the sink, then I might use an f/4 and only get a little bit of it focus, but if I was shooting some cat crap or brownie that was on the ground, I would use an f/22 or the like to get more of it in focus.
    Whelp, have a nice life, see you in heaven.

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