chop it

On Sunday afternoon I went to the mall to buy one last thing for my sister’s birthday. While I was there, I decided to stop into one of the hair places to talk to someone about the mop that is my hair. I have been growing it out for a year and a half to donate it to Locks of Love. I was disappointed when the stylist told she would have to cut my hair to my ears to get 10 inches…it felt so long! But then, she said she could pull it up from the top, and get 10 inches that way. I quickly made an appointment for later that evening, but my plan was foiled due to some heavy traffic and Derek not being home. So I rescheduled for this morning, which worked out perfecly. So while Connor was having fun at school, and Logan was with a friend, I went from this:

November 067.jpg

to this:
November 100.jpg

I am sure I will like it in time…it still feels really weird. and it’s really straight and flat, which just won’t happen again because I won’t spend the time. But I really think I lost about 5 pounds with the amount of hair she cut off-that’s a great diet in my book! So there you have it! I encourage anyone with long hair thinking about cutting it to donate it-Locks of Love is such a great organization!

Onto anothet topic…I have been trying to get my half marathon pics on here, but the website is smarter than me and I can’t copy and paste the pictures. But, if you want to see what it looks like to run 13 miles, you can check out my pictures here.

And one last topic…last night Logan disappeared and got very quiet for a few minutes. This is always cause for concern with the Logan bug. So I walk through the house and can’t find him at first. I finally find him back in my bathroom. He is standing in there, trying to feed the cat, unrolling the toilet paper, and doing his Logan grunt. “uh. uh. uh. uh. ” He was sort of pulling at his diaper so I asked if he wanted to go potty. He nodded yes, so I thought, what the heck, let’s see what happens. So I took his diaper off and put him up on the toilet…and what do you know! He totally pooped! I couldn’t believe it. I honestly thought that maybe someone had left one behind on accident, but I was wrong. I am pretty sure that this means Logan is a genius. Well, we knew that already. 🙂 I am so NOT potty training my 19 month old right now, but it was still pretty cool!

10 Replies to “chop it”

  1. MEGAN! You ROCK! I am so doing the same thing with my hair…Locks of Love! I think your new haircut is perfect for you! It looks darling!!!

    um, Logan buddy…that is HUGE! Way to go!!!!

  2. You look so sophisticated! I love it. You must feel like a new woman. And as for Logan, he deserves to be in the toddler hall of fame…definitely genius.

  3. I LOVE the haircut – I am sure that you knew that I would – it looks awesome – and honestly – it LOOKS like you lost about 15 lbs with the hair gone. I love it, love it, love it!!!!!

  4. Bobbie,

    You can’t cut and past the marathon pictures not because of any faulty technique on your part, but the owner of the pictures has protected them so you have to buy them.

    But they look great!


  5. So I know it’s a bit late but I saw the half marathon pics! You’re such an athlete!! Oh and I love the Christmas pic of Conner. Miss u guys.

    P.S. I told you there’s nothing interesting to talk about in the summer but since I’ve been back at school I’m officially blogging again! Yippeee.

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