
I dreamed about the marathon last night. Instead of running with my friends Ruth and Jenn, it was Ruth and this girl from jr. high named Sonia (YJH gals, remember her?). And in the middle of the marathon, there was one one these we had to traverse:


Remember those? Do they even have those on playgrounds anymore? anyway, it wasn’t small like that. It was about 40 feet tall. and you know how those things cave in in the middle after time? There were caved in spots all around, so it was really hard to climb back down. Unfortunately, Sonia fell off and it knocked her out of the race. So Ruth and I pressed on. Eventually I lost Ruth…not really sure how that happened.

After the large jungle gym, we ran through a corporate office and the cafeteria, and then we had to pull those little number tabs they have at customer service desks to get out of the building. Once I got through that, I was surrounded by Mack trucks. No, not just semi’s. Macks from Lightning McQueen. When I got through that, I was on a part that really is on the course-the road goes up and then down under a bridge, and then back up. That is when I saw my mom, Nick, and Cindi. Cindi jumped in and started running with me. Then my rubber band broke and I started yelling “Does anyone have a rubber band?” over and over again until someone tossed one to me.

Then, the moment I had been waiting for. The finish line. My eyes welled up, the chills come….

“Mommy? Mommy? Can you come play with me?”

7:15. Time to get up. Gotta love Connor’s timing.

And speaking of Connor, check out this gem. Christmas never dies at our house! He LOVES to sing this song, as you can tell by the video. I had to record him secretly because he would never willingly put on this performance. We’ve tried, unsuccessfully, several times .

Tomorrow I will have a video of Logan. He is so cute and so fun! Just wait…you will see.

Oh, and I almost forgot! My album that won the grand prize in the Piggy Tales contest a few weeks ago is going to be published in a book! So excited about that!

And that’s all she wrote. For now.

10 Replies to “Dream”

  1. Connor is so cute. I especially loved the end of the song when he was waving his arms around. I was laughing so hard! Those are fun times, to catch them being so sweet and singing a sweet song like that.

  2. LOL!!!! I LOVE that dream. I remember Sonia from YJH. That seems like a REALLY random person to have running with you in your dream. Wonder where that came from….

  3. Cute video of Connor!
    Good luck in the race, I can’t wait to hear how it goes. You are going to kick some marathon butt! Also, I love your new banner…”The Sweetest Thing” reminds me of one of my favorite U2 songs.

  4. I loved Connor’s performance! It’s so great to be able to capture them being themselves. You’ll love this 20 years from now, too! We recently saw an old video of Bret and Marla putting on a play when they were 4 and 7 years old – what a riot! You forget over time how adorable they were when they were little. Videos make for great memories!

  5. Lovin’ all of Logan’s words! He’s going to have a full vocabulary before you know it! And Connor’s performance was hilarious! I think you need to save that to show his girlfriends!! What a finale!
    I am also so excited that I got to run with you in your dream! I so wish I could come cheer you on this weekend! I am so nervous and excited for you!! I will be saying prayers for calm nerves, strength and energy throughout your race! U Go Girl!!!!

  6. Oh Megan, that video! HILARIOUS! I seriously laughed out loud! OK and that black and white pic of your family at the top of your page, SO awesome. You seriously have SUCH a gift of taking pictures. You would be so good at taking candid pics for people during the whole wedding process. You should really looking into doing it professionally!

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