Time out, Logan Style


About halfway through his 2 minute time-out, Logan started to get more worked up than usual. I didn’t think much about, and I didn’t go check on him. I always set the timer for 2 minutes and then ignore him until it beeps. My attention loving boy hates to be ignored, so it’s pretty effective. I walked into the dining room after his time ended, and that is what I found. I started cracking up, despite his pathetic cries. I told him not to go anywhere (I think he was thinking, “duh, mom. I’m stuck!”) And I took some pictures. My boy is a monkey even during timeout!

To answer some of your questions in the comments…

Staci asked “have y’all found a church that you love yet?” Yes, we have! We feel so incredibly blessed to have found it. I blogged about driving past it back in October, and we have been going there ever since. We placed membership (well, I guess not officially since I haven’t turned in the little form, but we are going to) and we really feel at home there. God is so good!

Juli Beth asked, “So, is it a frequent thing that you get complaints from your home owner’s association?” Ha! I would like to say no…and I guess it really depends on your definition of frequent. Let’s just say that we have had complaints for our yard-when we moved in, there was a big dead spot that we had to resod. Then, we got a complaint when our tree was trimmed to only 7 feet instead of 8. They are a little bit psycho. One neighbor got a letter about their bird house.

And JB asked if we are coming to the PRCC reunion. Right now, we aren’t planning on it. April is really busy for us, and it falls on the weekend following my dad’s trip to the states. But, we might be convinced to go if we thought enough other people were going.

Maggie asked, “okay so you are a WAY nicer mom than I am… what is with the gloves???” Cindi actually hit the nail on the head-he was an astronaut. He also wanted his jacket and a maroon toboggan hat, but I drew the line there, but I decided the gloves were not worth the fight. Oh, and that is his NASA backpack I made him for Halloween, so he was in full astronaut mode that morning. He is a crazy imaginative (and very strong-willed) boy. Choose your battles….choose your battles…that’s my mantra a lot of days!

6 Replies to “Time out, Logan Style”

  1. you should come to the PRCC reunion… we will be there! I would LOVE to actually know someone other than my husband! …. so now I am deciding in my mind thast you will in fact be there and I will be very sad if we do not get to hang out!

  2. Oh, Logan! So funny that you grabbed the camera first, luckilly for you he couldn’t move! Everytime I even think about taking a pic of something like that, the moment is over before I can even say “don’t move”!

    I really enjoyed our visit today(wink)

  3. Chose your battles is a GREAT mantra. I repeat it to myself all the time. People always ask how I can stand to do daycare, and thats pretty well what I say. I choose my battles and go from there.

  4. Hey, I think you should come. I’m pretty sure that Staci will be there. Josh Jones will be there. I am hoping that Suzanne is coming. There is rumor that Chris Wilson is planning a time (5:00pm Sat) for past youth groups to get together in the pavilion. I will be confirming that tonight and letting y’all know. Maybe if we can get the word out about that, more people will show up. Love you, and would love to see you guys!


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