My New Old Car

For a few months now, I have been seriously thinking about how D and I can get out of debt. I’ve talked to lots of friends and family about it, committed to not putting a single thing on credit card, and worked out a budget that would allow us to be out of credit card debt in the next year or so. Several people I talked to mentioned Dave Ramsey and his total money makeover. On Monday, I checked the book from the library. Today, we sold our van. My lovely, wonderful, spacious, new van with the glorious automatic sliding doors. Maybe it’s a little crazy, but we wiped out $7,000 of debt with that move and cut our car payment nearly in half. We will be out of credit card debt in 8 months, and will have our new old car paid off within two years. Exciting stuff I tell ya! It actually feels really good. Dave Ramsey’s book is SO inspiring. I highly recommend it!

Here is our “new” car-a 2003 Honda CRV. She is pretty and definitely looks cooler than a mini van!

13 Replies to “My New Old Car”

  1. That’s awesome! Joey and I are considering selling a vehicle to have a cheaper payment for the same reason! We are TRYING to do Dave RAmsey’s Financial Peace University!

    Go Thurman’s!

  2. hey.. i am a friend of carrie’s and check out your blog every once in a while!! anyways, i saw today’s post and was totally excited!! my husband and i did the “financial peace” class by Dave ramsey 2 years ago.. and it has brought us almost out of debt and taught a completely new way to live.. can anyone say “envelopes!!! anyways, it pretty much saved our marriage.. so i was excited to see that you are benefiting from it too!@!!! way to go.. and i love the car!~! we sold our other car and are down to one car now so we could pay down debt…
    just sayin!!


  3. So proud of you for that – and I love the new car – much cooler than a mini-van! 🙂 Sorry to all the minivan lovers all over the world! You are working on getting out of debt while we are very effectively getting deep into it. I think new homes can do that to you!

  4. One time I had this lady (from my parents church I think) tell me that she loved the idealistic goals that I had- to be willing to give anything up if I felt it was necessary. She told me that I had to hold tight to those ideals because she and her husband wanted that for their lives and then got caught up in the hype of life. Anyway, the weird advice lady would be proud of you too 🙂 I really like your new car anyway; sporty, fun, conventional. I can’t wait to ride in it!

  5. Megan, you know how I feel about minivans, so I fully support your decision. I do hope, however, that some day, when the 610 is backed up for miles and you are halfway between exits, that you try to go off-roading in your (2wd?) SUV, ignoring the fact that it has been raining for two weeks straight, and then you get stuck in three feet worth of mud. Don’t worry though, because there will no doubt be a Bubba with an F350 4X4 crew cab with a winch on his front bumper that he has never used before, and will be Johny on the Spot with winching you out.
    I love Houston, Bubba Trucks, and your new car.

  6. I’m proud of you! But… I didn’t like your comment about it looking cooler than a minivan! 🙂 Love you!


  7. we’ve been on d. ramsey for a year now, if that tells you our debt problem. but we love him! we have a huge “snowball” payment plan on our fridge. woohoo!

  8. I am a friend of Ry’s. We met at her wedding. Anyway, I check you blog from time to time and I had to comment about Dave Ramsey. I got married 2 months ago and back in September we took Dave Ramsey’s class that was being offered through one of our local churches. I would highley recommend you checking his web site and seeing if there are any classes being taught in the Houston area. It was a total life changing event. We started out our marriage with only $500.00 of debt, other than our house and cars. Our cars will be paid off in a couple of years but it truly is a liberating way to live your life. I just wanted to share and tell you if you need any support just let me know. Good luck.

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