
When I was a kid, one of my favorite summer activities was the Summer Book Club. I loved going to the library and browsing shelf after shelf of book. I loved racing to the VHS section to see if Savannah Smiles was in that week. I can still remember the layout of our local library branch. I spent summers with my nose stuck in a book. I read during breakfast and lunch. I would spend hours swinging in the hammock reading. My favorites were the Baby-Sitter’s Club and anything by Judy Blume. I loved to read. I think my dad instilled in me a love of reading. We would regularly go to Bookstop, and I would devour at least half my latest BSC book while he browsed.

But somehow, through the years, I lost touch with my love of reading. I got busy with sports and friends in high school. I got busy with marriage and baby-making and raising kids and scrapbooking. Reading a book was pretty much reserved for airplanes, until I had kids, and then even that time went away. I think there were years when I would read maybe one or two books, times when I would rather pick up a People Magazine or US Weekly than a book.

But this summer, I have rediscovered my love for reading. I started taking the kids to the library pretty regularly. I started taking notice when people talk about books on their blogs. And the final straw…I discovered the Request Page for my library. This is the greatest thing ever. I search the books from the comfort of my home. I find one I like and click request. When it’s in, it’s placed in an envelope with my name on it, right at the front of the library. I can be in and out so quick. No more hushing the kids, reminding them of the library rules while I search for books. In the past month these are the books I have read or have checked out right now:

Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult (notice a trend? When I get stuck on an author, I tend to read everything he or she comes out with.) I read this one in 3 days! It got me. When I read, I completely and utterly get into the story. I cry when I read. I laugh out loud. I identify with characters so much that I feel like they become a part of me or a best friend. People who are not book lovers cannot understand this. Anyway. back to my book list for my own summer book club:
Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. This is such a great parenting book for those of us with spirited a.k.a. strong willed kiddos. So many practical ideas, and just the whole philosophy of the book is great. Why do our strong-willed kids have to be negatively labeled? They possess so many great qualities that just need to be refined!
Tonight I checked out Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin, The Pact by Jodi Picoult, Two Little Girls in Blue by Mary Higgins Clark, and three books about dogs-one about adopting rescue dogs, one about choosing a dog, and one about beagles because I think they are so cute and are at the top of the list for potential breeds…which reminds me, thanks to all of you who commented about the dogs. You guys all have great advice!

So, wow. I just re-read my blog and this is totally long and probably pretty boring! But I wanted to get it down on my blog in case in the years to come I forget that I love to read. And so I can get a prize at the end of the summer for reading a bazillion books.

12 Replies to “Bookworm”

    1st of all your blog was not too long at all.
    2nd of all i wanted to comment about dogs because i am so excited you might get one but being a recent dog lover i didn’t feel qualified to suggest a certain breed other than my own (which is VERY good with kids but not so good on the budget).
    3rdly i just got my sister’s keeper and have big plans to read a lot of chapters of it tomorrow.
    4thly i can’t wait for you read something borrowed (you will want to read something blue immediately afterwards, and then probably baby proof following that).
    5th, and finally, a playdate is in order VERY soon!!!

  2. Hi Meghan. It’s Jenny (Edwards)! I just found your site. I loved seeing the pictures of you and Derek and your family. It looks like you guys are doing great! And the scrapbooking is AWESOME! I’m jealous! We’re still in Alaska and doing well. You can check out our family on or email me at
    Hope to hear from you sometime.

  3. I’m so proud of you! I love to read too, although it has taken a backseat too! When I do read, I’m so exhausted that I only get to read a few pages.

    Which Jodi Picoult book was your fav so far? I’ve been wanting to read her books, but don’t know where to start because they all look so good!

    I hope you & the boys have a great summer day!

  4. Annalee-I have her next two books on hold at the library. 🙂
    Suz-I think my favorite was Plain Truth. It was just so good! Plus I have always been fascinated with the Amish, so it was neat to read a book set in an Amish community. My Sister’s Keeper was really good, but I think I had read it before and forgotten because the whole book was familiar. They have all been really good!

  5. Yay for Beagles! They are too cute. I forgot to add this on my last post. They are budget friendly (or as much so as a dog can be) because they are little. And while I’m bragging…CJ has never, in his 4 years of life, had a single flea, despite being around other dogs with fleas. He rocks!

  6. I can’t believe someone else has heard of Savannah Smiles!!! I used to check that out at least once a month from the Video Library (back before it got bought out by blockbuster.)

    If you’re looking for a funny, non-inspirational book series, I LOVE Janet Evonavich (I think that’s how you spell it.) There is a series with 12 books so far. It starts with One for the Money, and next is Two for the Dough, ect.

  7. While I am not familiar with your book selections, I love to read! I try to get in a good half hour every day during my lunch break. It is very relaxing and can be much more enjoyable than naps or surfing the net….

  8. I also LOVE to read. I have been so incredibly excited to read lots of “just for fun” books since I finished school. Thank you for sharing some titles and authors with me. I will have to be checking some of those out from our library!


  9. You know what a bookworm I am – I can totally relate to your tales of childhood summers. Mine were just the same. Glad to see you are finding time to read again!

  10. I LOVE to read too….but I just don’t have time right now!!! If I had a lunch break like Caleb maybe….but wait…I don’t have a lunch break at work…and even if I did I’m not sure Brody would let me read during it! lol Maybe I should cut back my 6 hrs of sleep to 5.5 so that I could read 1/2 an hr a day?

  11. Hi sweet friend!
    I am TOTALLY with you on the Summer Reading Program and I wish I could take the girls back to my old school library, LOL!

    I love Jodi Picoult and the fabulous reserve list feature.

    I have had Two Little Girls in Blue on hold for weeks, it must be a popular one! I love running into the library and grabbing what I want. 😉

    We adopted a Beagle from the pound when I was in high school and she is still living with my parents. She is SUCH a sweet dog and super easy to take care of, too! Love her and I am not a dog person!

    Let’s catch up soon!
    VBS is kicking my bootie this week, LOL!


  12. I love the smell of the library. It was always my favorite place to go and I will never forget our fabulous Children’s Librarian at the Wedgwood Branch Library in Fort Worth. I still remember the layout of our library too!

    Something Borrowed is great. You’ll love it!

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