
Thank you, Houston heat and humidity for blessing me with one rockin’ set of cankles.  And I truly did not know that my feet could hurt this bad.  What’s crazy is I’m trying to stay off of them, but let’s just be real for a minute.  I have two kids.  And a husband.  And a house.  And pets.  And to top it all off, it’s summer which means no more mother’s day out (God bless the soul who came up with mdo.)

Five weeks.  I can make it.

I worked hard all last week and over the weekend on the nursery.  It’s looking so cute!  I will post pictures once I get one last project finished.  It won’t be completely finished for awhile-a few things will have to wait until she is born (like pictures) and until she has a name.  Plus my mom is still working on the bedding and curtains, but they should be done soon.

Speaking of a name, we have a new one on the table.  We both like it, which is a pretty big step for us.

Logan’s being a little…um…difficult lately.  I’m sure it has a lot to do with being tired.  Why is he so tired?  Because last week we did a big thing.  His bapi (aka pacifier) is gone.  (Yes, he’s 3.  I know, too old for the paci.  What can I say?  He’s my baby and loved that thing!)  We took it to the bapi toy store last week where he got to trade them in for a new toy.  He’s doing pretty good…he’s not asking for it, and is sleeping well at night.  But he has to relearn how to settle down.  He’s like a little firecracker without it, especially at nap time.  And munchkin needs his nap still on most days.  It’s catching up with him big time.  He’s been crashed out for over 2 hours now, thank goodness!

Connor is being not-so-difficult lately.  He’s downright sweet even!  In his words, his “arrow has been on blue,” which is a good thing.  He has this whole arrow/color system in his head.  He’ll talk your ear off about it if you ever ask him about his arrows.  That kid cracks me up with his imagination!

3 Replies to “Cankles”

  1. cankles, oh my goodness you’ve got me rolling! I had those w/ my first pregnancy & I’m sure they are lurking out there, waiting to attach themselves again…hope you can make it thru the last 5 weeks ok!
    Can’t wait to see pics of baby girls room, so excited for you!

  2. Hi Meg, I work with your mom and yesterday while giving her a massage I told her I liked the name Tori Elizabeth so I thought I would send it on to you. She will laugh that I wrote in. Love your mom. she is a great team-mate.

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