Must write this down.

Derek had to take a short, last minute business trip yesterday. When he got home this evening, everyone was so happy. We decided it was the perfect night to take a family swim. But Connor wasn’t so keen on that idea. (sidenote-we ended up at the pool anyway, and can you guess which kiddo didn’t want to leave? So typical.) C wanted to stay home with Derek while I took Logan to the pool. Logan also thought that was a great idea, which is so funny because dad is way more more fun at the pool. He throws them, jumps off the board with them, etc. I pretty much just to this:

Back to the pool conversation. Both boys want me to take L to the pool. Derek looks over at Logan and asks, “Don’t you like daddy?” Logan very solemnly shook his head no.

He paused for just a moment. We could all tell he was about to say something profound.

“But I wike your beard!”

I’m glad that Logan has an appreciation for facial hair.

Like I said, we did make it to the pool. Check out my little water lover.

I know it looks like he’s going to land right on the board, but I promise he cleared it.

Logan’s style of jumping is to run full speed and launch himself. Connor is a little more form-oriented.

And a few videos:

I guess I am feeling sassy pregnant tonight and not huge cankle pregnant, so I will give you all a glimpse of me in THE bathing suit. I don’t think I have taken a picture of myself in a bathing suit since 1998. Okay, that’s not entirely true, but it’s definitely been awhile since I posed in a bathing suit.

6 Replies to “Must write this down.”

  1. Of course I remember you! I love reading your blog, the nursery is so cute and the stories of you and your boys are too funny. Thank you for your comment on the blog it is fun to hear from you!I can’t wait for you to have your little girl and to finally know the name!!

  2. Meg!! You look HOT (not the sweating kind of hot) in your suit! Having a 4 month old I get to just gaze at the crystal blue delicious water from the shade! Boring:)

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