Baby “Madison”

For the past couple of weeks, Derek and I have been referring to “baby sister” more and more as “baby Camryn”. Neither boy is thrilled with our choice of name. Connor wants to name her Sarah, and Logan has been through a myriad of names including Noah (his bff) and Boobie. I figure if we start to call her Camryn now, they will warm up to it a bit.

So far, there is NO warming up to Camryn.

Logan has decided that he wants to call her Madison (which is a definite step up from Boobie!) We got to spend time with his cousin Madison last weekend, and then this week at VBS there was a little girl named Madison in his class. So now he is stuck on the name Madison.

Every conversation about the baby goes like this:

“Logan, are you getting excited to meet baby Camryn? She is going to be born so soon!”
“You mean baby Madison?”

“Hey Logan. Where is baby Camryn?”
“You mean baby Madison?

“Logan, can you get your toys out of baby Camryn’s room?”
“You mean baby Madison?”

“Logan, be soft with my belly. Baby Camryn is still in there.”
“You mean baby Madison?”

He says it every single time. We cannot continue the conversation until I say “yes, baby Madison.” It’s cracking me up! I wonder if he will really call her Madison like he says he is going to. Something tells me he will, at least for awhile.

Speaking of baby Camryn/Madison/Sarah…I really thought maybe I was starting to go into labor yesterday! I woke up at 4:30 in the morning with contractions every 8-10 minutes, and I could not get back to sleep because of the discomfort. That has never happened, even with C and L. I timed them on and off all morning (they stayed pretty consistent), but around 11:00, they fizzled. I kept having quasi-uncomfortable contractions all day, but they never got bad or close together. Bummer! I was getting excited! I know I could walk around like this for weeks…or she could come at any time. I cannot wait to meet our daughter! (Especially now that my friend Staci had her precious baby boy yesterday! I’m so happy for you, Staci!)

Hope you all have a good Saturday! I am going to get the rest of the baby stuff out of the attic today, plus we have a birthday party. It should be a fun day!

9 Replies to “Baby “Madison””

  1. You could name her Camryn Madison Sarah Boobie Noah Thurman. Then she’d have a lot of names to choose from when she goes to school.

  2. I love the name Camryn, and I love the spelling too. I think it’s perfect! And its hilarious that Logan refuses to call her Camryn now. I wonder how long that will last!

  3. That’s funny. You know that’s why Joseph is called Joseph and not Cale. We were going to call him Cale, but the boys both refused and said they were going to call him Joseph. Oh well. I sometimes wish we called him Cale, but I can’t imagine him as anything but Joseph. It fits him well! I hope Logan comes around to your way of thinking soon or things might be confusing for that sweet girl of yours. Keep us posted on your progress. I’m getting excited for you!

  4. Contractions??? I was thinking about you this morning. I was bummed I didn’t get to come there before Camryn is here! Logan is really funny and Jax has been saying boobie a lot too…must be a phase! Love You! (look for me online later)

  5. Logan is hilarious. When we were pregnant with Syd, a little girl we babysat (named Madison, btw) kept saying she wanted to name her Scooby. I’d say, “Like Scooby Doo?” And she’d say, “No, Scooby Doo’s a dog, silly!” Sometimes we still call Syd Scooby.

    For the record, I’m praying for Camryn to come during the four or five days I’m home in July, so I can come to the hospital to ooh and ah over how beautiful little Boobie is. Yes, I’m really that self-absorbed.:) But, get ready because that means you’ll be going into labor sometime July 8-10-ish.

  6. I had a kid in my class who really wanted his baby sister to be named Crystal. Once the baby came I asked him what her name was, and he replied, “Well, I call her Crystal, but everyone else calls her Amelia.” The family did give the baby girl Crystal as a middle name. And speaking of middle names, before you announced Camryn’s middle name, my mom suggested Jane would sound nice…funny!

    By the way – I had Brooks last weekend. He is a week old today. He came out 4lbs15oz and 18 inches long. He is precious and healthy. I’ll put up some pictures today. My mom wanted you to pass the word on to your mom as well, please. Thanks! Can’t wait to see pics of baby Camyrn.

  7. I think we might just need to combine all of the names:


    Just a few for kicks. I bet you can guess what my favorite is!

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