Operation: Keep Kids Busy

With Derek being gone and it being the last week of summer, I have decided to pack every day full of fun stuff this week. Mostly, it’s for self-preservation. Busy is good right now. The boys get bored at home and they are all over each other. It drives me nuts! Anyway, today we headed up the Children’s Museum and met up with Tricia and her kiddos. It was fun, but the museum was insanely packed! I feel like I barely got to catch up with Tricia and I definitely left with a headache and two overstimulated kids. Overall, it was fun…but I’m looking forward to meeting up with Tricia again once school starts and places aren’t overrun with day camp kids. After a bit of down time for everyone, we spent the rest of the day outside. The boys did a great job with our bedtime routine (it’s the hardest part of the day to me…especially when D isn’t here. He usually does most of the bath/story/tuck-in stuff.) Anyway, they did a great job and everything was just peachy. Camryn was fussy so we settled in on the couch and I promptly fell asleep. I woke up with Logan standing over me, needing more ice in his water. It frustrates me so much when my kids play hard all day with barely any down time and then proceed to flop around in bed for over an hour. Ugh. Seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. It just starts this downward spiral of overtiredness, which leads to all sorts of issues. The last thing I need is to start this week on my own off with two overtired kids. Now I’m just in a rotten mood. My house is still a disaster area, the kitchen is still messy with dinner stuff, there is wet laundry in the washer and several loads to be folded. Ugh.

On a cuter note, Logan wanted to sing to Camryn tonight and I overheard him singing a rendition of “Rockabye Baby” only he was singing “Rock the bible….go to sleep baby…rock the bible…go to sleep baby…” So cute. Oh, and on Sunday, after five weeks of life with his sister, he finally called her Camryn! Up until then, he called her either baby, anybody, or Madison. Goofy kid!

Okay, I think I am going to go look at my boys and remember how sweet they are and how much I love them. Because, by golly, they better be asleep now since it’s been 2 hours since they went to bed! Then I am going to put on my ipod, listen to some good tunes, and speed clean the house. Everything looks brighter when you have a nice, picked up home and peaceful, sleeping kids.

(I know that picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post, but I have all these pictures edited and resized for the blog and I’m just going to put at least one on there every time I blog, whether it goes with the topic or not. And since Camryn is my most cooperative model these days, most of them will be of her. In fact, I’m probably creating some middle child syndrome because I have tons of pictures of Camryn and a good number of Connor and only about two with Logan in them. For the record, it’s because he runs away when he sees the camera.)

5 Replies to “Operation: Keep Kids Busy”

  1. I had a good time yesterday, but like you I can’t wait to get together again and really get to visit. Sam seemed to also have the same problem as Logan last night and I tried to feel better by cleaning my house too. I guess we were on the same page yesterday. Hope today has been better! Both my boys are sleeping and I have dinner in the crockpot so I am already feeling better today.

  2. I love that picture, although Camryn’s bow is a little smaller than I would like to see!! I hope you had a better “bed time” tonight!!

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