Thank you dollar tree and other thoughts

Thanks to a $1 pirate costume, the boys were entertained nearly all afternoon. Captain Bonehead (Connor), Pirate Superman (Logan) and Miss Bonehead (me…all names given my Connor, of course) had a great adventure, complete with treasure, maps, and a pirate ship. We ended our pirate day with a trip to the library to check out some pirate books. Connor wore his pirate costume to bed and wants a pirate outfit to wear to his first day of kindergarten. When he gets into something, he really gets obsessed. You see that look on his face in the first picture? That’s pure intensity. He is fully in pirate mode. And you see that look on Logan’s face? That’s why there is a shortage of Logan pictures lately.

Have you ever wondered how long a roach can live trapped under a cup? About 60 hours ago, I trapped one under a cup, thinking he would die and I could avoid smashing him and experiencing that awful roach crunch sound that makes my skin crawl. But he is still alive. I know I should just kill him…I know I could do it, but now I am curious to see how long he can live like that. And I’m secretly (or not so secretly) hoping that either a) my mom will take care of it when she gets here tomorrow or b) it can just stay there until Derek gets back in town. Now that I’ve typed this little story out, I realize how gross it is that I have a live roach trapped in a cup in my bathroom. (and, just for the record, I DO clean my bathroom. We just have roaches is Texas…it’s inevitable.)

Tomorrow my baby will go to the elementary school and meet his teacher. I keep telling myself how ready he is, (and how ready I am…I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I am looking forward to a bit of a break and some Camryn time since C will be in school every day and L will go two days a week), but I know I am going to be a mess on Monday morning. Gosh, I might just be a mess tomorrow! When I was reading to him tonight, he was all cuddled up next to me resting his head on my shoulder, and I couldn’t help but think how he’s going to be reading by himself soon and how he is slowly but surely not going to need me in the same way he does now. I can’t wait to see who he becomes and how God uses his gifts…but it’s still hard to think about my baby going to school. It’s such a big step in the whole growing up thing. But I know he’s ready and going to do great. Do you think they are ready for him?

(This picture of him just cracks me up and I had to work it into the blog somehow!)

5 Replies to “Thank you dollar tree and other thoughts”

  1. Yay for pirate day…Jax would have loved that!! I can’t believe C is going to REAL school!! I love the last picture!!

    You are such a great mommy! Love you!!

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