
We have power!  Yesterday, Derek called our house and our answering machine picked up.  Woo hoo!
My brother and some of our friends also went by the house to check things out. We lost this tree.

Thankfully, it did not land on our house. I will miss the shade of this tree, and Connor and Logan will surely miss climbing it’s branches. Connor cried when I told him the hurricane knocked it down. I wish so much that I had taken pictures of the boys in the tree. Even Logan would climb right up it, using the swing set as a step. I about had a heart attack the first time I saw him up the tree…I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised since he recently informed me that when he grows up, he’s going to be a motorcycle man and a monkey.

I was all set to head back to Houston this morning. I’m ready to go home, get things cleaned up, and get back to somewhat regular life. Dorothy has it right…there really is no place like home. But, Derek has a business trip that (unfortunately) did not get rescheduled. He was a little worried about leaving the kids and I home alone, even though it was only for a few days. There is a bit of a gas and grocery shortage in the area, not to mention the kids and I would be pretty housebound since nothing is open. Plus, we aren’t sure yet about the mess inside the house. There are no broken windows and no major roof damage, but we just aren’t sure exactly what we will find when we get home. So after much discussion, we decided it would be best to go home on Saturday, after Derek gets back from his trip. This means….
The kids and I are headed to Oklahoma tomorrow to visit my sister, Suzanne, and Derek’s grandparents. It will be a whirlwind of a trip, but I think it will be fun. It will be fun. It will be fun. If you say something enough times, it comes true. I am excited about visiting with everyone, but a solo roadtrip with 3 kids could be a recipe for disaster…but I’m being all carpe diem and going for it. When else will I have this chance, right?

7 Replies to “Update”

  1. What great news that soon you will be in your own home! You still amaze me with your “super-mommie” stories. I am so glad you and your family are safe and pray that your home has only minimal damage.

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