blog slacker

Everyday, I write at least 3 blogs in my head.

One is about how much my kitchen sweeping has increased.  It’s been nine days since I had to take Austin to the pound.  I call it the pound because it was just like the pounds you see in the movies.  It was the saddest place.  A few weeks ago, Austin got out and bit our two year old neighbor.  While it wasn’t vicious, I knew we could not keep him.  He’s been getting increasingly aggressive towards kids.  A week later, Austin bit Logan.  That was that.  I knew he had to go immediately.  What if he bites Camryn?  It was just a risk I could not take.  The next day (it was 9 days ago.  I just now feel stable enough to blog about this.) I took him only shelter that accepts dogs that have bitten, and it was the saddest place ever.  I cried hysterically.  It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.  It’s not a happy ending for Austin, but I know it had to be done.  The right thing is not always the easy thing, that’s for sure.  So now that we don’t have Austin, my kitchen is a ocean of pop tart crumbles, cracker crumbs, granola bar bits, and noodles.  I miss him for his cleaning ability, and also for the evening cuddles we shared.

Blog two is about how I got all mom of the year-ish and made caramel apples with the kids.  Ah, what a tender moment.  A tender momet filled with boys fighting over who got to open more caramels, who got to stand where, etc.  And they both got bored about halfway through and wanted my help doing other things, but the caramel had to be coninuously stirred.  This lead to the weeping and gnashing of teeth of all parties.  The finished apples aren’t even good.  Straight out of the fridge, they are rock hard, and after thawing for a few minutes, they are barely edible becuase of the sticky factor.  Someday I will learn that those tender kitchen moments are just not meant to be in my kitchen!

Blog three….ugh, mommy brain strikes again.  I cannot remember what it was.

How about some pictures?

Camryn’s special Halloween outfit.


This crooked smile is highly genetic. Camryn’s Great-Nana and her Nonny both have it and so does Logan. It’s a strong Thurman gene!

The sweetest little feet.

4 Replies to “blog slacker”

  1. those are the cutest legs in baby legs! i love them. and i love your real life stories. sorry about austin. and the carmel apples. happy about that halloween cutie.

  2. super cute girlie outfit! I am a big fan of caramel apples and make them frequently using the kits, the caramel comes in between wax paper, already in a cirlce shape, you mold it to the apple and pop in oven for 5 mins to melt or soften caramel. I then add a special topping of mini mnms to the caramel,oooh soo good and much, much easier! But props to you mom of the year for having such a fun mess!

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