A Week in the Life: Monday

Since I’m blogging every day this month, I thought it would be the perfect time to do a week in the life series.  I saw it done awhile ago on several blogs I read, and I thought it was really interesting.  I love getting little glimpses into people’s everyday.  Plus it will be great someday to look back at what my life right now looks like.

6:50: Wake up and make Connor’s breakfast and lunch. Whole grain pop tart, yogurt, and milk for breakfast; turkey and cheese sandwich (no crust), pretzels, an apple, raisins, and a few mini oreos for lunch.

7:05: Make sure Connor is up and at ’em. He had quietly sneaked (snuck? Is snuck not a word? Spell check does not like it.) out to the couch and I didn’t even see him. He got quite a kick out of that.

7:15: Camryn wakes up and I feed her while Connor finishes his morning chart and Logan gets dressed. Logan is wearing his favorite orange shorts. He loves those things.

8:00: Drop Connor off at school.

8:15: Camryn, Logan, and I arrive at the gym. Today I did 35 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of weights.

9:30: Back home. Logan and I eat breakfast (whole grain pop tart and orange juice for Logan, whole wheat English muffin with a bit of butter, a pop tart, and coffee for me)

10:00: Logan relaxes with a bit of tv (Noggin, his favorite channel). Time to feed Camryn again, so I start up Desperate Housewives while she eats.

The rest of the morning:
-Logan bounces from room to room, playing legos, looking for money to bring to church for a special giving project children’s church has going on, watching tv here and there, and collecting odds and ends in baskets which is one of his favorite things to do.
-Camryn goes down for a nap.
-I finish watching Desperate Housewives.
-I finally get around to showering. When I got out of the shower, I heard some hub bub in Camryn’s room. I guess she fussed a bit, so Logan climbed up into her crib and started her mobile for her. Luckily, she went back to sleep after a little mama reassuring.
-Fold a few loads of laundry.

12:30: Lunch. Peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwich, applesauce, cheesestick, and orange juice for Logan (we are all out of milk. I have to get to the store today.) Lean Cuisine chicken alfredo, a mini butterfinger, and water for me. I catch up on blogs and emails while we eat.

Early Afternoon: more bouncing and playing, more laundry, more relaxing. It’s raining outside and it’s the perfect afternoon of low-stress, whatever-ness.

2:00: Camryn wakes up from a monster of a nap. Eats.

2:30: Sonic run. Diet Coke with Vanilla for me, chocolate milk for Logan.

2:45: I decide to make muffins. I saw a recipe for Nutella Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins on a blog I read. I’m part way into making them when I realize that I don’t have even close to enough nutella. I wing it and substitute a bit of peanut butter.

3:15: Walk down to the end of the street to pick up Connor off the bus. It’s raining, so Logan stayed behind at home and Camryn is all bundled and covered in the stroller. We wait. And wait some more. I see Logan coming, wondering what’s taking so long. We go back home, pull out a batch of muffins, get a jacket for Logan, and head back to the bus stop.

3:35: The bus finally arrives. I love this part of the day.

4:00: Camryn is back down for another nap, Connor is vegging out watching Sonic X, and Logan is eating a delicious muffin. Time to think about what we are going to eat for dinner and get the muffin mess cleaned up before I make a new mess.

Late Afternoon: Connor plays the computer, Logan plays outside, watches a bit more tv (lots of tv today…) I pick up the house a bit, browse blogs a bit, get dinner started, and we all wait for Derek to get home.

5:45: Derek is home!

6:00: Dinner time. Teriyaki stir fry chicken and carrots with rice.

6:45: We decide to go meet my parents and James and Kathy for dessert. We never go out after dinner, but it was a special occasion. James’ pediatric ER is officially open!

7:30: Home again. I feed Camryn while Derek gets the boys ready for bed.

8:20: Everyone is peacefully sleeping. ahhhh…sweet peace and quiet.

Evening: Derek and I pick up the rest of the house (he does the kitchen, I fold the last of the laundry and pick up the living room). We watch Prison Break, and then Derek plays a little X-Box while I finish blogging/browsing the internet.

10:45-my bedtime. There are brand new, clean sheets are on the bed tonight. I can’t wait to crawl into them!

7 Replies to “A Week in the Life: Monday”

  1. how fun to read! I have wanted to do this forever, and always forget, but they are so fun to read! Look at you go, 10 days through the month! Oh, love how Derek is using the boppy as a foot rest! LOL

  2. That sounds like a fun day. Now, what is Derek’s reaction when you tell him that you want to take a picture, you run back to the couch, and pretend that you’ve been there all night? Mitch thinks this whole scenario is hilarious when I get the camera set up.

  3. Okay, I’m reading this and all I can think is, “They actually park BOTH of their vehicles in the garage?” I’m so impressed! As I write, there is a THREE car garage out there with only a John Deere in it. LOL. It’s fun to see a regular day in the life. I wish it included a playdate with us. Miss you.

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