Week in the Life: Wednesday

5:20: Camryn wakes up hungry.

6:00: Back to sleep.

7:00: Connor wakes up, on his own this morning.

7:10: Breakfast for C (cinnamon toast crunch and vanilla yogurt)  Make Connor’s lunch, a Pizza Lunchable and a fruit cup. Get myself dressed.

7:20: Camryn wakes up.  She and Connor spend some time together on the couch, and per his request, she follows him room to room while he gets ready for school.

7:30: Logan wakes up.  Goes right into my bedroom to watch Franklin.

7:50: Take Connor to school.

8:10: Breakfast for me.  Maple and brown sugar oatmeal and coffee with mocha peppermint creamer.

8:15: Logan picks out his candy for the day.  Each boy gets 2 pieces of candy per day.  They can eat them whenever they want, but once the 2 pieces are gone there is no more.  Logan eats his for breakfast this morning.

8:30: Feed Camryn.

Rest of the morning: Camryn naps, Logan grazes all morning on cereal, fruit snacks, and oranges, I fold a bit of laundry, start another load, check email and blogs, call tree stump grinding companies for quotes, clean the kitchen, shower.

11:00 Camryn wakes up. Eats.

11:30: We leave for Sam’s. Logan and I eat some pizza, browse around, and do our shopping. We are now stocked up on batteries, wipes, fruit snacks, fruit cups, and a bunch of other stuff.

12:45: Home. Camryn goes down for a nap. Logan watches Little Bill, plays with his toys, plays a few Nick Jr. computer games, plays with play-doh and runs around the house telling me to call him Sonic. As in Sonic the Hedgehog. I watch Dawson’s Creek and play on my computer.

2:00: Cami wakes up. Eats. (I see a pattern here…) After I feed her, I vacuum and pick up the house a bit.

3:15: Walk to the bus stop to pick up Connor. He was green today. Woo hoo!

Late Afternoon: C and L play outside. Eventually they come in and want to watch Tale Spin, their latest movie from Netflix. Camryn fusses all afternoon. Teething? Tired? I don’t know. But she was pretty much fussy all afternoon.

4:45: Derek gets home. We head out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. It was school fundraiser night for Connor’s school.

Camryn is only happy at the restaurant if she is being held, so Derek and I take turns holding the fussy (and at this point, exhausted) princess. She falls asleep sitting up in Derek’s arms, but wakes up as soon as we put her back in the carseat.

6:15: Home. Cami fell asleep 5 minutes away from home and takes a 20 minute power nap. Boys get ready for bed. Finish watching an episode of Tale Spin.

7:30: Boys head to bed. Camryn eats. And then fusses for another hour. This is very unlike her. The boys are up and down tonight. Connor needs a string to tie sossy (his blanket) in a knot. Logan needs more and more and more hugs and kisses. I watch America’s Next Top Model in between taking care of the kids.

8:00: I think the boys are quiet.

8:45: Camryn finally falls asleep after I swaddle her as tightly as I can. Derek and I watch Friday Night Lights.

9:30: Computer time, Derek watches Heroes. I enjoy a nice glass of wine…it’s been a long day and an even longer evening.


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