A Week in the Life: Sunday

5:00: Camryn wakes up hungry.  It will be a happy time when she consistently sleeps past that lovely hour.

5:30: Back to sleep.

7:00: Connor wakes up.  We snuggle.  He talks and I murmur “uh huh” while trying to get just a few more minutes of sleep.  He eventually goes out to the living room to watch tv and eats Lucky Charms.

7:30: Get up.  Take a shower.

8:00: Remember that our Operation Christmas Child boxes need to be put together.

8:15: Logan wakes up.

8:20: Camryn wakes up.  Eats.

8:40: Finally finished with Christmas child boxes.

8:45: Frantically try to get everyone ready for church.  Derek worked sound this morning and was already gone.  The boys make their own mixes of cereal and dried fruit to eat on the way.

9:30: Leave for church.  We’ll only be a little late.

11:30: Home from church.  Derek goes and gets us food from The Fish Place while I feed Camryn.  Boys play in the backyard.

Afternoon:  Boys play outside almost the entire afternoon (it was gorgeous today!)  Derek made another fire, and Connor spent a good amount of time just staring at it today.  Derek and I clean the house and get ready for our small group which is at our house today.  Camryn sleeps, eats, wiggles around on the floor, and sleeps again.

4:15: Small group starts.  8 kids, 7 adults, lots of good fellowship and good food.  We had tacos, rice, rotel, and cupcakes.

6:45: Small group ends.  Get boys ready for bed.

7:30: Boys head to bed.  Camryn stays up a bit later since she took a really long late afternoon nap.

8:00: Everyone is asleep!  Connor actually said these words tonight: “Mom, I am going to sleep good because I am tired tonight.”  He’s never said anything like that before!

Evening: Blogs, emails, message boards, D watches tv, plays XBox, I will edit pictures, veg, and go to bed.

And this concludes my life this week.  (I added in the Friday and Saturday pictures.)

2 Replies to “A Week in the Life: Sunday”

  1. I started reading Annalee’s blog and clicked over here and recognized you from the Dec.2002 BBC. I don’t know if you recognize me or not (cpez there). Anyway, I love this day in the life series and want to do it on my blog, hope you don’t mind! 🙂

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