7 Things: Logan

This is Logan Bennett

1. He is one tough kid.  Seriously, he is constantly getting hurt and I don’t even find out about it until later.  Like the bruise across his face from yesterday.  I *think* he got nailed during a light saber fight with the neighborhood kids.  The details are sketchy, but in typical little brother fashion, he tried to blame his big brother.  More than once, he’s fallen, cried, stopped crying very quickly, I brush it off, only to find out later that he chipped a few teeth or has a massive bruised knot on his head or a black eye.

2. He is a total love bug. He gives at least 20 hugs and kisses every single day.  It’s the best!  He is a little choosey about who is on the receiving end of his affection.  He won’t kiss and hug strangers, and sometimes it’s even tough to get him to hug grandparents or aunts and uncles.  But he is affectionate to his mama, and sometimes his daddy.  In fact, last night he wandered into my room in the middle of the night for a hug and a kiss.  So sweet.

3.  He sleeps with his blankie, a Webkinz lion, a blue dog, a dalmation dog, a little brown bear, and a Webkinz pink poodle.  The all have names except the blue dog.  Sleep Noah (not to be confused with his bff, Noah), 1001 dominations dog, night night bear, and Sonic.

4.  Speaking of sleep, he falls asleep the minute he is still.  Some nights it’s literally less than 5 minutes from tuck in time to hard core asleep time.  He is wiped at the end of every day.  He plays hard.  He rarely walks, always runs.  He doesn’t nap anymore, which suits me fine because he crashes every night about 7:30.

5.  It’s all about the orange juice and chocolate milk.  He rarely drinks anything else.  (I know…bad mom should make him drink more water…)  Except at bedtime he takes a sippy cup of ice water and drinks about three sips before falling asleep. But he won’t fall asleep without that ice water.

6.  His favorite two shows are Franklin and Max and Ruby, which are both totally age appropriate.  But he  loves to play Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and Star Wars because of the older brother (and older neighborhood kid) influence.  Right now, there are six kids, ages 3-10, outside having the best time playing Star Wars.  It’s quite an intense game!

**Sidenote: We have no fences right now.  Ike ruined them and they are in the process of being replaced.  It’s the greatest!  The two kids behind us are 10 and and are so sweet to Logan and play well with Connor.  The ones next to them are 5 and 8.  The kids have been outside, playing in the 3 backyards for 2.5 hours.  I wish our fences were always down!**

7.  Logan uses the word “even” all the time, and usually with great emphasis.  “That’s not even fair.”  “I don’t even like this.” “I had a job today.  Even I was line leader.”  Derek and I have started talking like Logan.  I catch both of us saying “I don’t even like that!”

(This is the face he makes when he doesn’t even like something.)

2 Replies to “7 Things: Logan”

  1. Up north, it’s normal to not have fenses. Mitch hates that everyone has them down here. His parents house is just an open back yard to every other neighbor on the street.

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