En Espanol

My family is sick.  Within 12 hours of me being home, three of the four were running a fever and feeling very puny.  Welcome home, mom!  I missed everyone so much that I haven’t even minded all the extra work of taking care of sick kids (Connor and Camryn) and a sick husband.  And I realize that I sound completely selfish there becuase I should never “mind” taking care of sickies, but I’m just going to be honest.  While I work very hard to take care of everyone, keep the house in some sort of order, and make sure everyone is getting plenty of fluids, I don’t always do it with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.  Or if I do, it’s sort of a fake smile and song because at the end of every day I am exhausted.  But I love them and I’m the mama so of course I do what needs to be done.

One of those needs includes a special trip to blockbuster to get Connor a movie he’s been asking about.  Since we are Netflix members, we rarely rent movies.  Usually I will just add it to the que and make him wait.  But of course, being sick changes all the rules, so off to Blockbuster I went, and I walked out with Transformers: Transform and Roll Out.

First, I want to take a moment to personally thank whoever made this movie.  It has provided hours and hours of entertainment and been my sanity saver this weekend.

We immediately pop in the movie, and Connor and Logan are both completely captivated.  One hour later, it’s over, and Connor asks to watch it again.  Sure, buddy.  No problem.  He comes by it honestly.  When my dad flies from Australia to the states, it’s not uncommon for him to watch the same movie over and over again for the duration of the flight.  He’s had marathon watching sessions of The American President and Love, Actually.  And by marathon, I mean watching each one 4 or 5 times in a row.

So I start his Transformer movie again.  And when it ended, Connor requested it for the third time.  After three times, he wanted to watch the special features.  And when those were over, he asked to watch the movie again.

But this time, he asked to watch in Spanish.

As of bedtime tonight, he’s watched his movie ten times.  Nine times in English and once in Spanish.  I’m glad he can make us laugh even when he’s all laid up with a fever.

2 Replies to “En Espanol”

  1. you totally made me laugh with with the movie on repeat! we have totally been there with sick kids! I hope that the family is feeling better soon, and you stay well!!

  2. ok…i’ve been catching up on your blog…and you crack me up! hope everyone is feeling better. and…happy late birthday…i celebrated 29 last year…and have decided not to acknowledge what is going to happen this year…ha!

    also…you come to arlington a lot. i live in arlington. ok..well i live in mansfield now…but arlington is like 3 minutes down the road.

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