Baby baby

Camryn has officially reached the playing with babies age. She carries them around almost constantly. She sleeps with them, pushes them around in her stroller and shopping cart, rocks them, kisses them, takes them outside with her, etc, etc, etc. It makes my heart so happy! I was all about playing babies and playing house. Forget Barbies…bring on the Cabbage Patch Kids. In fact, my mom still has all our old CPK’s at her house. When we were home for Thanksgiving, I brought my favorite one back with us for Camryn to play with. I named her Shelby Christine when I was a kid, but I’m sure Camryn will eventually name her something else. If she named her right now, it would probably be “da-da” since that is her favorite word and her favorite person in the world.

Yesterday, Camryn was so cute with one of her babies out in the backyard. I had to take some pictures, and since my blogging has been a bit lacking over the past few weeks I figured they would make good blog material.

First, she carefully gets baby all settled in the world’s oldest Powerwheel Jeep.


And then they are off!  But just for pretend because the oldest Powerwheel Jeep ever no longer runs.  And that’s a good thing….Cami, babies do not belong in the front seat!  And especially unrestrained!


Don’t worry, baby.  I’ll catch you before you fall all the way on the ground.


Camryn thinks she is such big stuff.  And all the while, baby is there by her side.


Don’t do it, Cami!  Yes, babies can be very frustrating, but just lock yourself in a room and take some deep breaths!


Just kidding!  (I LOVE this picture of her!)


But really, playing with babies is serious business.


I love seeing her play with her babies!  I know I am totally biased, but it’s just the cutest thing to see her act all girly and nurture things.  She is so different than the boys, that’s for sure!

4 Replies to “Baby baby”

  1. I know many parents who do not allow their little boys to play with guns because they don’t want them to grow up thinking it’s ok to play with guns, and for the same reason we should never allow our little girls anywhere near dolls, because they would grow up to be abusive mothers.

    This was wonderful, hope all is well..

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