18 Months

Camryn is 18 months old today!  A year and a half…it’s gone by so fast.  She is so much fun, but she is also at that scream, yell, and point phase.  I’ll be happy when she starts talking more instead of just yelling and pointing!  Because, just take my word for it, the girl is LOUD!  Just imagine the sound this picture would make:


(My mom is going to get such a kick out of that picture because there is a very similar one in a frame at my parent’s house.  Let’s just say that we all know who Camryn got the loud gene from…)

She had her 18 month check up yesterday and weighed in at a whopping 28.5 pounds and measured 33.75 inches.  She’s over the 90th percentile for both.   She’s my big girl.  Here are a few things about her that I want to remember (just for my own record, because let’s just be honest, the baby book is definitely lacking for the third baby!)


Her favorite word is dada, and he’s her favorite person in the world.  It is the sweetest thing seeing how much she loves her daddy.  In general, she still prefers men over women, although she loves my friend Laura and her two teachers at school.

She pretty clearly says shoes, bow, mama, bye bye, bus, baby, and a few other words.  She is trying so hard to say Connor and Logan, but it just comes out dada.  She mimics a lot of sounds that aren’t quite words yet, and I think in the next 6 months she’ll be a full fledged talker.

She is so easy to put down to bed and for naps.  She just wants her blanket, a baby, and a sippy cup of water.  98% of the time, she just lays right down and goes to sleep.  She’s been like this since she was a tiny baby, and it’s great!

Her favorite foods are pears, peaches, oranges, cheese, turkey, chicken nuggets (especially from Chick Fil A…she’s got good taste), tomatoes, raisins, and fruit snacks.   I would say 95% of what she eats falls in those categories.  I haven’t been as good about introducing new foods to her…it’s just so much easier to feed her some turkey and cheese at 5:00 when she’s hungry than to listen to her whine until dinner is ready and have her throw half of whatever I fix on the floor.  I think the whole food thing is one area where I have relaxed a ton since Connor was this age.   Most nights, she eats her own dinner while I fix the real dinner, and then she sits in her chair and makes her brothers laugh while we eat.


Her hair is really starting to grow in, and as you can see, it’s as white as ever!  She gets so many comments on it.  It is pretty much as blond as hair can get!  I have even given her a few little trims.  (And her hair usually looks better than it does in these pictures…she has enough hair that she gets real bedhead now!)

She is a little social butterfly.  She wants to be in the middle of the action, and loves to wrestle around with Connor and Logan.

She doesn’t watch tv.  The only thing she will come even close to watching is Veggie Tales.  I suppose that’s not really a bad thing, but there sure are times when I wish it would occupy her for a bit!

Her favorite toys are her babies.  She also likes to put things in little purses and carry her treasures around.  She is so girly in that way!


She is spunky and sweet.  She’s  a little love-bug, full of kisses for everyone (but especially me).  She is very endearing and such a happy little person.  She definitely has a voice of her own and doesn’t hesitate to express herself.  We’ve already had some good all-out tantrums on the floor.  But this ain’t my first rodeo and I don’t think it will take her long to figure out that doesn’t work, nor does it phase me.  🙂

Happy half birthday, sweet girl!  I am so thankful that you are mine.

2 Replies to “18 Months”

  1. she is so stinkin adorable! she is really changing and coming into her own look!!! of course, Hayden has that outfit too. haha. if these 2 girls ever get together, they’d look like twins!

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