Mom to Mom: From my kitchen to yours

One of my friends from high school, Jessica, had an idea for all us moms to post recipe and food ideas.  I’ve been lacking on blog material lately, so I thought it might be fun to jump in and play along!

First, let me just be honest…we eat the same things over and over again but I’m okay with that at this point!  Food is one area where I do not stress.  I am a big believer in choosing my battles, and for the most part, it’s a battle I choose not to fight.  I have one great eater, willing to try anything new (Connor), one pickier eater who is slowly and surely trying new things but most of the time still not liking the new things (Logan), and one that I just never know what her food mood will be (Camryn).

I do try to feed my kids healthy, wholesome foods.  I don’t buy organic unless it’s cheaper than than the regular, which is very rare.  We do eat whole wheat bread items for the most part.  I don’t buy special high fructose corn syrup free foods.  I bought the natural peanut butter once, and Derek asked me not to to that again.  Since he eats a pbj sandwich every day for lunch (and has for the past 10 years!), I didn’t fight it and bought the man his Jif.  We do eat fast food, but not every day.  I would say that my food philosophy is “everything in moderation.”  I have never been one to buy into diet or health food fads.  If you are looking for all organic, all natural food and recipe ideas, you are definitely not in the right place. 🙂  Just felt like I needed to say that right up front.

–half of a bagel toasted with butter or cream cheese
–strawberry fruit bars (nutri-grain bars, but I buy the store brand)
–granola bars (fiber one are the favorites, but we also eat good old Quaker granola bars)
–cereal: Raisin Bran, Cheerios (all the different varieties), and those new mini wheat chocolate squares. Those are a big hit!
–English muffins with Brummel and Brown strawberry spread. I eat those almost every day, but the kids like them occasionally too. I buy the high fiber, whole wheat english muffins.

–PBJ for the boys almost every day.
–Deli meat for Camryn
–Turkey hot dogs or all beef hot dogs.
–baked chips
–fruit snacks, or our new favorite fruit leather/smooshed fruit. I like those better because they have a half a serving of real fruit in them.
–fruit: applesauce, mandarin oranges, grapes, apples, strawberries, sometimes bananas, frozen blueberries, canned peaches and pears, etc. I always have canned fruit on hand. (I like the ones packed in fruit juice the best.)

–Goldfish all the way. We love them.
–Snyders big pretzel rods, sometimes dipped in Nutella.
–Granola bars or fruit snacks if they haven’t already had one that day. I only allow one of those per day or we would eat them faster than we already do!
–raisins, sometimes plain, sometimes yogurt covered. Camryn especially loves raisins.
–other crackers: cheez-its, ritz (the new cinnamon ones are yummy!)
–Peanuts or cashews

Varies. I don’t think I do anything that great or exciting with dinner. I don’t love to cook; I do it out of necessity and for my husband who loves to come home to a hot meal. We eat a lot of spaghetti, tacos, chicken casseroles, etc. I am not good at vegetables. We mostly eat canned veggies or a salad. This is one area where I am hoping to improve. I try to serve the kids a vegetable or a fruit with dinner, and probably more often than not, it’s a fruit. Connor likes a lot of different veggies. Logan, not so much. He will eat lettuce with ranch dressing, potatoes, and corn, but that’s about it.

My big thing with dinner is I am not a short order cook. They eat what I make. There are a few exceptions, but 98% of the time, they eat what I cook or they just go hungry. I don’t worry if Logan misses a dinner. He won’t starve overnight.

The kids only eat dessert on occasion. I’ll usually treat them with it if I see that they both ate a really good dinner without any complaining.

I guess that’s about it! It’s nothing very exciting, but it works for me.

One Reply to “Mom to Mom: From my kitchen to yours”

  1. I have no idea why I’ve never tried to get Caleb to eat a bagel for breakfast. That is easy to eat and it travels well. Which is very important since breakfast is usually eaten in the car;)

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