“Thank you for my brother. You are such a good mother.” -C.Thurman

For Mother’s Day, Connor wrote me a poem.  His teacher typed it up, and put it in a frame along with a picture of him holding a rose.  It’s so cute!  Probably one of my favorite presents ever.  Here is what he wrote:

Roses are red.  Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet, and so are you.
You love me, and I love you.
Thank you for my brother.
You are such a good mother.
I can’t wait ’till you turn thirty-one.
I love you!
I really, really do.
I really do!

I don’t even know if I can pick my favorite part, but I definitely love the line about his brother.


I’d like to say that this is how they always are, but c’mon.  They are brothers and they are as different as night and day, and they fight with the best of them.  But they love each other, and I’m so thankful they have each other.  They are actually in a really good getting along phase right now.  It ebbs and flows with them…can we all just say a prayer right now that this good phase lasts through the summer?

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