1. This is the view from our room. Amazing! I totally squealed with delight when we got into the room and saw this. We are staying at the Kaua’i Marriott Resort and it has been awesome. I definitely want to come back and stay at this exact place with the kids. They would love it!
2. I love self timer portraits. You’re going to see a lot of these. The best part is when I forget to turn it off of timer mode and I just want to take a regular picture but end up standing there for 15 seconds while it beeps and then finally takes the picture. That makes me look real cool.
3. I like palm trees. And I like taking pictures of them. Nothing says tropical vacation like palm trees. Except maybe drinking a mai tai on the beach underneath a palm tree.
4. The Na Pali coast is so cool. We did a catamaran tour of the coast. I was surprised at how much it rained on us, but how it didn’t really ruin any of the fun. We did some snorkeling (probably not my favorite part…the water was cold and there really wasn’t much to see compared to when I snorkeled in Cozumel.) But we loved to boat ride and the coast is breathtaking.
5. You can’t go to Hawaii without going to a Luau! The food was great, and we sat next to some really fun newlyweds. I love making vacation friends. I enjoyed the show for the most part, but there are only so many hula songs I can listen to before it relaxes me into a deep sleep, so we left the show a little bit early. My favorite dance was definitely the Tahitian drum dance.
6. There are a lot of movies filmed in Kauai. In fact, right now the “pirates” are staying at our hotel, i.e. the cast and crew from Pirates of the Caribbean 4. I haven’t seen Johnny or anyone big and famous, but I am pretty sure I’ve seen lots of scraggly looking pirates around. They sort of stand out around here!
7. Note to self (and anyone else going to Hawaii): Wear a higher spf and more sunscreen than you think you need! I managed to fry myself pretty good our first day here. Definitely not what you want to do on the first day of vacation! In fact, I even woke up this morning with a sore and swollen bottom lip. I am almost positive it is sunburned. Ouch! I have never had a sunburned lip before, but I am almost positive I have one now. I keep singing my own version of the song “If I could Turn Back Time” with verses all about the benefits of spf 50 sunscreen. Lesson learned. Next time, it’s 50 (or higher!) all the way!
8. The Hawaiian people are awesome! I am a Texan and I know friendly people, and Hawaiians are the cream of the crop! I think that is part of the reason I have loved this vacation so much. I love the people here.
9. Speaking of love, I love Derek! I have loved getting to spend all this time with him, have uninterrupted conversations, and come up with all kinds of new inside jokes, phrases, and initial sentences. We have so much fun together!
So glad you’re having a great time!! 🙂 The pics are wonderful!
awww, love the last one. I am glad that you are having fun.
We stayed at that exact hotel on our honeymoon. I’m glad you’re enjoying paradise together!
ahhh! so beautiful, romantic, and fun! enjoy every second.
how awesome! That water is so pretty! Our next vacation is slated for someplace tropical and I think that is where we need to go!
oh, i’ve done that timer thing, too. Yes, we are so cool.
I noticed how friendly the Hawaiian people were too! Especially when driving! I wore sunscreen religiously while we were there! I didn’t want to burn! Jesse got burned really bad the beginning of the second week. I think I wore 50 spf and then 100 later on! I still came back with a nice golden tan though! You are so much closer to the sun there! We did a Luau at The Polynesian Cultural Center on Ohau. It was pretty neat. It’s run by the Mormons so there is no alcohol and the dancers and everyone there are dressed modestly. It was one of Jayden’s favorite parts of the trip! The entire Center was cool!