Funny Things

Logan and Camryn both said something notable yesterday, and I’ve got to write them down so I don’t forget them.

We were on our way home from Arlington, and Cami couldn’t stop talking about her daddy.  He didn’t get to go with us because of a business trip, and we hadn’t seen him since Wednesday morning.

“Da da daddy daddy daddy da da” she sang from the backseat.  “Nunnle daddy shoes off.” (translation: snuggle daddy, shoes off.  She requires him to take his shoes off immediately so that way she knows for sure he isn’t going anywhere.)
“Yes, sweet girl, I’m sure you can snuggle daddy as soon as we get home.” I told her.
“Nunnle daddy cose off!” She exclaimed.
Translation: Snuggle daddy clothes off.

I started cracking up as I told my 2 year old that it is not appropriate for her to snuggle daddy with his clothes off. I laughed even harder when she sweetly said “Meese?” (Translation: please)

Where did she come up with that? Actually, like a lot of 2 year old’s, she is going through a naked=fun phase. Made me laugh. And she’s said it several times again today.

After we got home, I was puttering around, unpacking. Derek, Connor, and Logan were watching soccer, and Cami was content snuggling daddy sans shoes but fully clothed. Logan looked up from the tv and sweetly said to me, “Mommy? Will you take a picture of the whole family on the couch?” That was a surprising question from my most photo-resistant child.
“Sure, buddy” I replied.
“I want to take a picture so I can remember what you look like when you are dead.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or be creeped out by that! I chose to laugh. But I seriously have no idea where that thought came from.

Speaking of funny things, here are a few searches that have resulted in finding my blog:
–capris matronly. (Do I really wear mom pants? Well, there was that one time I purchased matronly jeans, but I don’t, to my knowledge, own any matronly capris.

–30, flirty, and fabulous. I’m going to take this as a compliment.

–Are crunchy peanut butter and creamy peanut butter the same thing. If you are still searching for the answer, um, first of all that’s a little odd, and second of all, the answer is no.

–baby elf ear. Yes, it’s true, as an infant Logan had a bit of an elf ear.

–chubby arms. I sincerely hope this pulled up a picture of cutie pie camryn and not me!

–chubby in tank top. Again, I hope this referenced Cam and not me. Age 2 chubbiness=cute. Age 30 chubbiness=not so cute.

–decaying kittens. Really? First, who googles that? And second, why the heck did my blog show up with that search. I can’t, to my knowledge, ever remember blogging about decaying kittens. And I apologize if I ever did. Gross.

And one last funny thing to round out this post…


um, hello miss sassy pants.  I can’t help but chuckle when she gives me this look.  And also be a little bit scared of the hormonal teenage years.   Remind me that I thought this look was funny in 15 years when she is giving me a similar look.

5 Replies to “Funny Things”

  1. Hilarious!! I laughed so loud when I read Logan’s comment that Shay actually turned from the tv to ask what I was laughing about. 🙂 He enjoyed a good laugh too.

  2. LOL!!!! The other day Brody asked Daddy Steve if he could have something (I can’t remember what it was) when he died!! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! I chose to laugh.

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