Oh my sweetness! {Dickinson Newborn Photographer}

Warning: if you have even an inkling of baby fever, proceed with caution!
I could not wait to get my hands on this little bundle. Of course, I use the term “little” loosely considering Miss A was over 9.5 pounds at birth! She was a week old when I went over to take her pictures and she was just so stinkin’ chubby and cute. I could have stayed all day taking pictures of her. She was a dream…so sleepy and she let us mess with all kinds of bows and poses.  She even woke up for a few minutes at the end and wore her tutu.  Thanks, Dawn, for letting me take over your dining room and capture sweet A! And a big thanks to my friend Angela for acting as the baby whisperer and keeping A so calm and sleepy. I think I’m going to bring Angela to all my newborn shoots! It was great having an assistant. 🙂

27 Replies to “Oh my sweetness! {Dickinson Newborn Photographer}”

  1. When you take pictures could you get “sellers rights”??? I want one just like this one!!! ha So miss our baby days!!! Too cute!

  2. Wow we make a gr8 team. These photos are awesome! I just love her to pieces!!!! I can’t pick a favorite because they are all so unique and precious but I guess I love the two naked pictures in the black N’ white bow!
    U Rock Megan 😉
    Angela Havens

  3. I cannot get over how great these pictures turned out. I was scared that she may have been to big to capture the precious newborn look, but I think that you have gone above that and captured more. Thank you for photographing her. I will cherish these forever. The photos are awesome and I cannot wait to see the rest. I am going to have the hardest time picking a favorite. You are awesome and I absolutely love them!!!!Thank you again!!!

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