Connor and Logan’s school does a fall dance every year right around Halloween time. We’ve never gone before because it is just not Connor’s thing. Case and point…this is what he did the first half of the dance.
And he spent the second half throwing that glow necklace in the air and trying to catch it. He did finally play with a few friends for the last 30 minutes of the dance. Connor has always been fine doing his own thing and doesn’t crave the time with people the way this guy does. Going to the dance was Logan’s idea, and I’m really glad that he pushed us to go. It was pretty fun!
It’s not really that dance-ish at all…everyone is there with a parent and the kids just run around while loud music plays, and then there is a costume contest. I’m glad we went! Derek and Camryn came along, too. It took Camryn a little while to get used to the loud music and the crowd of people, but it didn’t take long before she was running around with all the big kids.
And now, for the embrace the camera part…I was there! And I made Derek take some pictures.
I didn’t get any pictures with Logan because he was too busy running around with all his little girlfriends. The girls love him!
And I love my family.
awww…too cute!! 🙂
I don’t remember having school dances in elementary school other than the father daughter ho down…hoe down…well…you know what I mean!
And I love your family too! I love that you all went to a school dance!
have you stopped blogging?