Random blogging, straight ahead

Okay, get ready…here comes some random blogging!  I hate that I haven’t been blogging as much lately.  The business has been keeping me pretty busy, which is such a great thing, but man, I still love to blog!  I just have to make more time for it.  So, here we go.  Things I’ve been wanting to blog about but haven’t.

1.  I used to think that working out early in the morning was for the birds.  Well, as it turns out, I might just be a bit of a bird. A few weeks ago I realized that in order to actually train for the half marathon, I would have to run during the week.  It was a real lightbulb moment.  I also realized that even though I have Tuesday and Thursday mornings sans children, there is always something else I would rather do than exercise.  Add in the “storm of the century” (aka schools closed for ice and snow and we had not a flake.  Classic.  But it was a freakishly cold February!) and I came to the conclusion that maybe I should just try the early morning gym thing for a few weeks and see how it goes.  Turns out I love it.  Well, as long as I get into bed before 10:00 p.m.  At least 3 times a week, you’ll find me at the Y at about 5:30 a.m.  Crazy, I know.  But I’m really loving it.

2.  Half marathon training.  I’m doing it!  I’m up to 8 miles with about 5 weeks to go until race day.  I’m feeling really good, but gosh darn it, I haven’t lost a pound of the holiday weight I want to lose.  So frustrating, but I try to remind myself that it’s not about a number on a scale.

3.  I shopped the South Houston Just Between Friends Sale today.   By far my favorite item for sale was this:

That, my friends, in case you can’t tell, is an instructional video about tomahawk and knife throwing.  The bargain price of $12 included two 10 inch knives along with the instructional video.  And I love how it has “for fun” in the title.  Because, you know, throwing tomahawks and knives is always fun.  Oh, how I wished I had a friend shopping with me so we could have shared the laugh with someone!  But don’t worry, because I totally called a stranger over to show it to her.  I just had to share it with someone. Every time I’ve thought of it since, I’ve started laughing again.  Can you imagine if I brought that home to the boys??  One of my boys was recently seen sharpening a piece of wood into a spear.  When told not to ever use said spear as a weapon near another person, he tossed it onto the ground and sulked off.  Game over.  Light sabers and nerf guns will be plenty for this family, thank you very much.

4.  Camryn is turning into such a big girl.  Her favorite phrase of the moment is “me do it meself.”  She wants to do everything “ah meself”.  She dresses herself (her outfits crack me up!), gets herself out of the tub and dries herself off.  She wants to get her own snack, and gets her own ice water at nap/bedtime.  She puts her own laundry away, puts her own shoes on, and brushes her own teeth (okay, I still help with that one, but she would rather just do it on her own.)  All of this independence coupled with the fact that I have had to buy her some 4T clothes are making my heart feel that twinge of bittersweetness at this whole growing up thing.  I realized the other day that it’s been almost 9 years since we got pregnant with Connor.  This is now the longest I’ve gone since then without being pregnant again. Kind of cool (hello, size 8 jeans, no diaper bag, full nights of sleep, and fun family vacations on the horizon.)  But it’s still bittersweet.  Almost makes me want to have just one more…

5.  No, I’m not pregnant.

6.  I survived another trip to the dentist for all 3 kids to get their teeth cleaned.  Camryn was the only one who cried (sort of expected with a two year old), so that was a good thing.  But the adventure definitely started with a huge karate chop on the lego tower someone had constructed in the waiting room, splaying legos across the room.  And one lost their helium balloon later that day when the car doors opened, which led to weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Oh, and we found out that Logan is missing one of his permanent teeth.  We’re looking at years and years of dental work down the road.  Poor kid…I’ve so been there with the braces, head gear, expander, retainer, root canal, fake tooth drama.  After the appointment, I called Derek and told him we needed to a.) start saving for the dental bills now.  and b.) he needs to keep his good job with the dental benefits.

7. Confession: I love Teen Mom 2 on MTV (and 16 and pregnant, too.)  Jenelle and her mom?  Such a train wreck of a situation.  That sweet baby doesn’t have a chance unless someone gets them some help.  Leah and Cory are my favorites.  What in the world is Chelsea doing getting back together with Adam?  And Kailyn…I’m actually pretty neutral about her.  I’m glad Jo’s mom is so supportive of her since her own mom flaked on her.  (ok, someone please tell me that I’m not the only 30-something totally addicted to this show!)

8.  Got hooked on the Bachelor this season, but only about halfway through.  The funeral home girl?  Yeah, total date killer when you asked if he would rather be cremated or buried.  This week, I totally saw it coming with the girl who got sent home.  I’m not sure I have a clear favorite between the final 2.  I really like both of them, although in Derek’s opinion, Emily wears entirely too much make-up but Chantal is a bit of a basket case.  I can’t wait to see who he picks and then pick up the subsequent issue of People or US Weekly to read all about it.

9.  Totally into Survivor this season, too.  Three episodes in, and I think it’s going to be a great season!  I’m liking some of the changes they’ve made!  Redemption Island will keep in interesting for sure.

10.  But Modern Family is hands down my favorite show on TV right now.  I laugh out loud the whole time we watch it.  I think it will be my Friends of my 30s.  I hope it sticks around a long, long time.

And finally, a picture that has nothing to do with anything except that I love it and it’s one of my new favorites.  If we’re friends on Facebook, you may have already seen it, but i want to blog it, too.

7 Replies to “Random blogging, straight ahead”

  1. beautiful picture of Camryn. I knew I liked you (and I know if we lived closer, we’d totally be friends). The Bachelor, Survivor, Teen Mom? I watch ’em too. hehe.

  2. Have you been amusing Camryn with pictures in fashion magazines? She has totally got the sultry, pouty look down!

  3. We LOVE Mondern family. One of the best parts is that it is relatively family friendly. While yes, there is a gay couple, they do not in any way make it trashy or inappropriate. That and The Middle are the cleanest comedies they’ve made since the Cosby Show I think.

  4. Addicted to Teen Mom 2 as well– can’t imagine having twins at 16! Love the Bachelor in a can’t stop watching it and all it’s drama sorta way. And Modern Family? Hands down best show on tv! I literally laugh so hard I cry!

  5. I would have laughed out loud with you on finding that book…and totally agree. Couldn’t have had that in my house either when Cole was little or for that matter, now that he is big! Love your pictures as usual:)

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