the stuff of dreams

Before I had kids, I always pictured myself as that stay at home mom who loved to bake with her kids.  I really do enjoy baking (hello, cookie dough.  I love you forever and ever.)  But baking with my kids?  Not so much.  The boys burst that bubble long ago.  Connor had pretty much zero interest in helping in kitchen.  I can remember one time baking cupcakes with him and it being an enjoyable thing.  The other times he either lost interest immediately, or just refused to even be a part of it.  Logan has always had a little more interest, but Logan didn’t earn the name captain disaster as a toddler for nothing.  Plus he isn’t known for having the world’s longest attention span.  For the past several years, I’ve done all of the baking on my own, sometimes maybe even discouraging little helpers from “helping”, knowing full well that it just ends in frustration each and every time.  Baking with my kids definitely goes on the list of those things that are way more fun in theory than in reality.

But then along came Camryn.  She loves to help in the kitchen, and most of the time (especially if the boys aren’t home), she is actually pretty helpful.  Who knew that baking with kids could actually be fun!  I think Camryn has been feeling a little displaced ever since Sullivan came along.  I suppose it’s to be expected since she was the baby of the family for four years.  She loves Sullivan and is a great helper, and she never takes any frustration out on him.  But we’ve definitely seen a lot more whining, crying, and bad attitudes over the past month.  So one day last week, I decided that Camryn and I needed to bake together. When I told her that we were going to bake cookies, you would have thought it was Christmas morning.  She was so excited!

I decided I wanted to bake Annalee’s sugar cookies.  I love these cookies!  They stay nice and soft, which I love.

After asking me all morning when we were going to start, it was finally time.  (not to self.  Next time wait until it’s actually the start time to talk about baking.)

As you can see, she was thrilled.

She even put on her apron for the occasion.

She kept a careful eye on the mixing progress.

Then it was time for my personal favorite part.  Taste testing the dough is imperative!

We both gave it two thumbs up.

She decided she wanted to make heart shaped cookies.  You know, since it’s November and all.

Then, much to her dismay, we paused our cookie making fun at this point.  It was time for lunch and naps and feeding Sullivan.  It was much later that afternoon before we got to the decorating part.

By then, Logan was home from school and got to join in the fun.  This was the perfect amount of involvement for him.

He decorated about 3 cookies and than ran off in search of better things.

She was so pleased with her finished product.  Would you like some cookie with your sprinkles?

It was a great afternoon.  It was the kind of baking experience I always dreamed about having with my kids.  I’m so thankful for this spunky little girl and the girly-ness she brings to our all boy home.

P.S.  I think I am still cleaning up sprinkles off my table and floor.

One Reply to “the stuff of dreams”

  1. Girls are a great change from boys! Just wait – when she’s old enough to be a real help in the kitchen, she won’t want to do it either.

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