I love initials and I love new traditions. PPPPF is the latest Thurman tradition. We’ve only done it twice, but I suppose that makes it tradition, right?

August 105.jpgPPPPF=Pepperoni and Pineapple Pizza Picnic Friday. I’m a little bummed that Friday isn’t Priday because that would just be cooler.

Anyway, here’s the Friday tradition. The boys and I go shopping at Trader Joe’s on Friday morning and we buy their yummy ready-to-bake pizza dough, gourmet pepperoni, delicious frozen pineapples, and the rest of our Trader Joe’s staples. On Friday nights we lay down a big quilt in the living room and have ourselves a little family picnic. It’s so fun. Connor loves it because it’s way less structured than our normal dinners. He’s up and down the whole time and I don’t even care because it’s PPPPF. He also loves to play on the blanket. After dinner, there’s only one dish to clean (the pizza stone), which makes Derek happy. I love it because it means I don’t have to clean up the scapping mess that is usually all over the table on Friday’s. PPPPF is a good tradition.

3 Replies to “P.P.P.P.F”

  1. Oh that’s too fun! I’m way into the intials too, if I’m clever enough to think one up. One time Katie (Maggie’s sister) and I decided to turn our Sunday evening youth group devotionals into some initial, I forget now what it was. That afternoon we made posters of the initials and we were laughing the whole time. It was so dumb but we wanted to see how many people would actually call it by the initials just because we started it. We talked to everyone about the devotional like it had always been called by these random initials, and they went along with it because they didn’t want to look stupid for not knowing. Well while we were posting up the signs all over the church and laughing so loud, our youth group got in the vans and left for the devotional. We were abandoned while trying to cause trouble. I’ll never forget that day. We stopped laughing.

  2. love traditions.
    sunday night is pizza night at our house.
    it’s kind of funny to hear the doorbell ring and connor yells **PEE-TAH!!!**
    definitely a tradition.

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