What a weekend! It started out on Friday night with Derek getting in from Houston. It feels like the old days when he was in college and I was in high school and he would come home to visit for the weekends. Saturday we were busy spending time with our families, getting ready for Connor’s party, Christmas shopping, and going out for our anniversary.
Today is our six year anniversary. Six years and we are beginning a new chapter of our life together. I am so excited about our adventures to come and the adventures we have already shared. I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone else. We laugh, we play, we have fun, we talk, and we are best friends. I am so blessed.
Today was Connor’s birthday party. I can’t believe my baby is already three (well, almost anyway). In some ways it seems like a different lifetime when he was born, but in other ways it feels like it was just yesterday. My sweet boy is turning more and more into a normal little person everyday. We had a great birthday party for him today, complete with a firetruck cake, hot dogs, games, presents, friends, and family.
And finally, I present to you…
Waiting for Christmas….roomate style. I wanted to dedicate an entire blog to this, but I just couldn’t wait.
My college roomate Shauna and I thought we were so funny today. We are roomates forever in our hearts.
One week til Chrismas! Let the countdown begin!
What a fun weekend!!! I hope you had a great anniversary & Happy Birthday to Connor! By the way…great waiting for christmas pic’s!
We dont just think that we are sooo funny RM – we really are. I told Kip about the pics and he did not even crack a smile – he thinks we are so dumb…but I know the truth! That was a great weekend! I was so happy to see you and tell Patrick that he needs to send a few pics my way – I have no problem dedicating an entire post to “Waiting for Christmas Roomate Style”