Thailand and Taiwan

When I was in school at Azusa Pacific, one of my required classes was Cultural Diversity in the Classroom. I really did not like this class. I did not like the teacher, did not care for the assignments, just really did not enjoy it at all. It’s probably one of the only classes where I actually left negative remarks aon the end of the year evaluations.

Anyway, for one of our assignments, we were given a foreign exchange student and required to meet with them, learn about their culture, etc. I thought this was so stupid. For one thing, I lived 30 minutes away from campus, worked 20 or so hours a week, and I was taking 20 hours of classes. I didn’t really have the time or the desire to meet up with this girl. Our schedules were completely opposite, she lived on campus, and it was just really difficult to meet. We talked briefly on campus one time. But one of our class assignments was to go eat a cultural meal with our “foreign buddy” and write a paper about it. Suddenly the due date was looming and I knew I was going to have to fudge my paper. I quickly hammered out a paper about Thai food. Derek and I had been to a restaurant once, so I just wrote about what I ate and drank there. I gave my paper to Derek to read before turning it in, sort of as a proof read, and so we could giggle about it together.

It’s a good thing I let him read it.

“Megan, is your “buddy” from Taiwan or Thailand? Because your intro talkes about Taiwan, but just so you know Thai food comes form Thailand, not Taiwan.”

I still giggle when I think about it. I seriously almost turned in a paper about my Thai meal shared with my Taiwanese buddy! Classic.

I ended up with a B in the class, which I was pretty mad about. Almost everything was done with groups (including the final), and every other person in my group got an A. But, in retrospect, maybe I deserved that B since I totally made up one of my assignments…

Derek ate Thai food last night, and we had a good laugh about my Thai/Tai confusion!

I am 3 days into temporary single parenthood. D is on a business trip for almost another week…it feels like forever! We all really miss him.

And of course, since he’s out of town, the lizards are teaming up again to ruin my life! The first one was found strangled to death under my ottoman. He got tangled in that fuzzy stuff underneath. So disgusting. Even dead, I had a hard time dealing with it. Then yesterday morning when my babysitter got here, one ran in the door. I decided just to deal with it later because they always just stay in the entry way. Nope, not this one. Either my babysitter is a total champ and deserves a raise for getting rid of the lizard, or he’s loose in the house. Probably headed straight for my bed. I saw a huge roach in the garage yesterday. Next week I will be making a call to the bug guys-I just can’t handle it anymore!

I offically registered for the Houston marathon yesterday! January 14th…come one, come all! I am locked in. I ran 10 miles yesterday. That’s a big hurdle for me. 10 miles was when I quit training the last time around, but this time I am still going strong! I will say though…getting up at 4:30 a.m., running 10 miles, and then coming home and having no help with the kids the rest of the day was a real test…we made it with a nice long trip to Target, Chick-fil-a, and church last night. The kids are being really good so far. I think God gives a little extra grace and patience when there is just one parent. It’s definitely not a one person job!

4 Replies to “Thailand and Taiwan”

  1. Hang in there Meg! If I didn’t have to work, it would be a perfect time for Jax and I to come visit….. too bad I don’t get to live in my dreams!!!

    10 miles…. you are my hero!!! I don’t think I could run 1/2 a mile. I plan on trying though… I’ve got to get rid of this weight. The “I just had a baby” excuse is no longer working!!

    Love YOu & miss you tons!! I think I’ll call you this week.

  2. So you’re getting up at 4:30 am to run?!?!? I’m not having to get up that early right now…but I’ll be back to getting up at 3:30 or so when I go back to work in October. I’m proud of ya for stickin’ with the running! I’ll be excited to hear how the runs are going 🙂

  3. I am very proud of you RM – you need to take a pre-marathon picture and post marathon picture! You know – my pre-summer picture is what really got my rear in gear ont he working out. I could just pull that up and I would get to the gym in no time!!!

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